Page 116 of Not In A Billion Years
She takes the socks from me and perks an eyebrow. “In the meantime?”
“Does this buy me another ten minutes in bed?”
Blake shakes her head, faux exasperated, then taking me by surprise, she jumps on me, straddling my waist with her legs and hooking her hands at my nape. “And they say money can’t buy you happiness.”
It ends up being a little longer than ten minutes, which earns me countless scowls as Blake, hair still wet from the quickest shower in the history of showers, gets dressed at the speed of light. “I knew you were going to make me late.”
“Worth it,” I say, unapologetically.
Another scowl. “I’m going. Tonight we should meet at my place.”
“You have 6.30a.m. classes every day?”
“Then why your place?”
“I didn’t move closer to work to then commute from the Upper East Side. And, anyway, why not?”
“I have a private chef, and Latte would be crushed to be left alone.”
Her eyes narrow. “Are you using your cat to emotionally blackmail me?”
“Possibly.” I pick up Latte and squeeze him to my chest. Waving a paw in Blake’s direction, I ask, “Is it working?”
“Like a charm.” She kisses the cat’s head, then my mouth. “See you later.” She rushes to the door.
I follow her and hold it open for her. “Any wish for dinner?”
“Please tell your chef to keep it light, like soup or something. We can’t eat like last night every day.”
“Done.” I smirk and watch her walk down the hallway, her bum swaying with each step.
* * *
Mila comes into my office two hours later holding a small black box in her hands. I can’t even pretend to frown and demand what she wants. I’m sure my stupid smile gives her all the clues she needs.
She folds her arms, looks out the window, and then back at me.
“What are you doing?”
“Checking if the sky is falling. Is that a happy face, boss?”
Now I manage a little scowl.
“I take it Blake enjoyed my clothes selection?”
I grunt in the affirmative.
“I believe the words you were looking for are, great job, Mila, for putting together an entire woman’s wardrobe in less than six hours. My girlfriend adored it.”
At the word “girlfriend”, I can’t help but grin like an idiot again.
Mila sits on the edge of my desk and lets out a long whistle. “It’s not the sky that’s falling, it’s you.”
I raise my eyebrows. “Meaning?”
“You’re head over heels in love with that woman.”