Page 9 of Dion
“It helps thatyou love what you do.”
“Fashion is inmy blood and the stores mean a lot to me.”
“I’vebeen to the ones in Rome, Milan and Paris and have to say-“ Sheshook her head. “I was definitely bowled over. It’s notjust the way the products were showcased, it was the architecture,the spacious interior and the unbelievable luxury. It felt like I’dstepped back in time.”
“We recentlyopened one in Hawaii and two more in London.”
“I saw the picsof those and they’re lovely. You were there for all of theopening.”
“It’skinda my job.”
“And you do itso well.”
“Thank you.”He murmured. “I’m trying to make up for the mess Imade.”
“You’vemore than done that.” She deliberately steered him away fromthe painful past by dipping back into the company. For the rest ofthe meal, they spoke about fashion trends until she rose to get thedessert.
“I think weshould walk this off a bit.”
“I think sotoo.” Leaving the dishes in the sink, Odette went to get hertennis shoes and light jacket before heading out next to him.
“I normally domy runs early in the mornings or late at nights.”
“The air is sofresh and clean.”
“I’mthinking of spending most of my time here.”
He gave her a glance,admiring the delicate curve of her cheek. She’d put on a greenjacket that was zipped up to her chin and looked like a delightfulwood nymph, not that she would appreciate the comparison.
“It’s tooquiet.”
“That’sprecisely the point. Listen.”
“I don’thear anything.”
“My pointexactly. Birds are singing and the sounds of the wind whistlingthrough the trees is so soothing, it makes you think that everythingis okay with the world.”
“You soundlike a poet.” He told her teasingly. “You’d missthe bright lights in minutes.”
“I’vebeen here for the past three days and I’m OK.”
“Give itanother day.”
“You’resaying you wouldn’t be able to spend a couple of weeks here?”
“No.” Hestated unequivocally. “I’m city born and bred.”
“So am I.”They’d reached the stream with the clear water bubbling overthe smooth stones.
“Tell me thatstanding right here doesn’t give you a certain amount ofpeace.”
Moving away from her,he leaned against the trunk of a massive oak tree, his head tippedback to breathe in the crisp air. Very soon he was going to be makinghis way back or he might spend the night by staying in one of theguest rooms.
He was sure Odettewouldn’t mind. He’d meant to leave earlier but spendingtime with his friend had made the time fly by.
“Hmm?”Tipping his head down, he gazed at her upturned face and noticed theworry lines on her brow.