Page 75 of Dion
“Aren’tyou going to give me even a peek?” Dion asked her two weeksbefore the wedding. They were running at a frenetic pace with Odetteconsulting with Jessica and her team as well as Ilene.
He’d come upbehind her where she was working on designs she was planning toshowcase in the superstore. The design for the wedding dress was doneand just needed to be fine-tuned.
It was also lockedsafely away from his prying eyes. She was using one of the rooms inhis loft as an office and he’d made sure she had everything sheneeded.
“Not even atiny one.” Leaning back, she closed her eyes and savored hislean body against hers. The weeks had proven that he was here tostay. He’d been showing her nothing but love and attention.
He was there throughall her mood swings and nausea, when she stayed in bed for an entireday, filled with depression when she felt sick as a dog. He was busywith the renovation for the superstore, but he always made time forher.
Turning her to facehim, he searched her face curiously. “You’re doing toomuch.”
“I’mdoing enough.” She corrected him, her heart melting as shestared into the handsome face. He’d come a long way and she wasno longer hesitant or uncertain about his devotion to her. He showedher every morning before he went off to work and at nights, he hadher weeping in his arms.
“Aside from thewedding, there’s the supervision of the bursary and the designsyou’re doing for the store.”
"I’mpacing myself. I don't want to hear your mouth."
"I love you."He said suddenly, drawing her into his arms. Her heart skittered. Itwas still somewhat unreal it was difficult to assimilate at times. Hegave her a speculative look as she continued to stare at him.
"I-" Shehad to swallow the lump in her throat. She could blame everything onhormones, but that’s not all it was. He made her weepy.
With him, she wasnaked and vulnerable. "I’ve been waiting so long for youto say it and it feels-" She gripped his dark blue cashmeresweater with tight fingers. "I thought it would never happen."She added huskily.
His hands cupped herface tenderly, his eyes glowing fiercely. "You saved me."His voice was so thick it was ready to break. "I clung to theunnatural feelings I had for Amelia and wouldn’t let it go. Themore time I spent with you, the more I realized I was falling deeperand I didn’t want to admit it."
He swallowed the lumpand felt the ache and pressure of his heart as it filled for her."You came into my life and took away the stain and bitterness ofthe past. You made me live again."
Bending his head, hekissed her with a passion that stoked the heat that was spreading allthrough her body. Her hands drifted to his broad shoulders and aroundhis neck. His words had broken something free inside her and as shepressed herself against him, she melted into him.
With greatreluctance, he ended the kiss, his body shaking from the aftermath."You undo me." He whispered against her forehead. "Thankyou for giving me a brand-new life."
Odette smoothed theswirls of the gown over her hips as she stared at herself in theCheval mirror. Dion had refused to leave their apartment the nightbefore, stating he had to be there in case something happened to her.She was getting ready at the manor, in what had been his old room.
Ilene stood framed inthe doorway, looking elegant and lovely in a green wool dress thatdraped her from neck to ankles. She was wearing emeralds at herthroat and lobes. Her hair was swept back in a neat bun at the napeof her neck.
"What do youthink?"Odette asked the woman who was going to be hermother-in-law in a few short minutes.
"I don't havewords." Ilene felt the tears threatening as she stared at thevision in blue. The material was of the finest cashmere, the skirtbillowing slightly to hide the bump of her stomach. Dion had givenher a stunning diamond necklace that glittered at her throat."Darling, you’re exquisite."
"I’mmarrying the man I love, my best friend and it feels as if I haveeverything in the world. I don't want to jinx it."
Ilene walked into theroom with her hands outstretched. "You won't. God knows my sondeserves a break and you’ve given it to him." DrawingOdette into her arms, she embraced her tightly. "Your sister andDad are waiting in the sitting room. Let's go and get you married."
Standing at themakeshift dais that had been set up for the ceremony, Dion watchedand waited anxiously for his bride to make an appearance. The largeroom was packed with guests including the staff members, friends fromhis club as well as their wives and members of the press who hadreceived coveted invitations to attend the ceremony.
They’d paintedhim so negatively in the press that it didn’t matter to himanymore. His body tensed as the live band that had been hiredswitched to the wedding march and the minister indicated for theguests to stand.
His fingers curledinto his palms as he straightened his shoulders. His light green eyeswere fixed on the arched doorway leading into the room.
His first sight ofher had him catching his breath and holding it for a few seconds. Shewas stunning! He thought achingly, as he watched Odette glide towardhim, positioned between her sister and her Dad who’d made amiraculous recovery a few weeks ago.
Her dark hair wassleek and loose, tumbling down her shoulders and back and her facewas glowing. She was looking at him, dark brown eyes wide and bright,her white teeth a contrast against the shimmering coral of herlipstick.