Page 72 of Dion
“About that.”
Reaching for thenapkin, he dabbed at the sides of her lips. “You’re stillmad?”
“I’m notsure ‘mad’ is the right term. You broke my heart when youtold me – led me to believe you still have feelings for her. Ialways despised women who spend their time crying over guys and Ibecame that woman. I want to knock you over the head for that.”
“I’msorry.” Pushing away his bowl, he gave her an earnest look. “Iwas disgusted with myself and confused and I wanted to be sure aboutmy lack of feelings for her. I stood there in that room and feltnothing.
Do you realize howliberating that is? I stood in that room and felt the absolutecertainty of what I felt for you.” He took her free hand inhis. “I’m sorry for the hurt and pain I caused you,darling, but I wanted to make sure you have all of me.”
“And I do?”
Chapter 15
"Everything’slooking wonderful." Dr. Mitchell beamed at them as she swivelledto put away the chart. "The embryo's heartbeat is steady."Her eyes twinkled. “Now, would you like to know the sex of yourbaby?”
Odette looked up atDion who was sitting at the head of the examination bed. “Idon’t, but I’m bowing under pressure. He and his motherare dying to find out."
"So we knowwhich color scheme to use in the nursery." He gave her anunrepentant grin.
"I reminded himthat we could always use neutral colors." She gave the doctor anod of assent. "Let's find out, shall we?"
Dr. Mitchell turnedto the Doppler machine and hooked it up. The grainy black and whitemonitor popped up and the couple leaned in to peer at the image.
"For all theadvances in medicine and medical breakthroughs, no one has managed tocome up with a machine that can actually be seen clearly."Odette looked at the man holding her hand. "Perhaps your companycould look into doing some research."
"We’ll getright on that." Tearing his eyes from the monitor, he kissed herabsently.
"See the armsand legs." Dr. Mitchell ran the machine over her slight bulge.
"I see it!"Odette squeezed Dion's hand in excitement. "Do you see it?"She demanded.
"I do." Hefelt a lump inside his throat and realized his heartbeat had doubled.This was his baby, his heir, and the reality of it slammed him hard.
"And the hands.Now let's go down further to see the sex."
His handunconsciously tightened on hers as he trained his eyes on themonitor. He wanted a son in case he couldn’t produce anotherchild.
"You’rehaving a son." The doctor said with a beaming smile.
"We’rehaving a son." He couldn’t stop looking at the monitor, adazed expression on his face. "How - are you sure? There can beno doubt?"
"Nonewhatsoever." The doctor assured him. "The monitor might begrainy, but it’s very accurate. Here’s the proof."She steadied the machine so they could see.
"Do you see it?"He asked Odette anxiously.
"You don't?"She asked him teasingly. "No doubt he’s going to be asgifted as you in that area."
The doctor coughed atthe outrageous comment and Dion's color rose as he cast a wry look atOdette. "You’ve shocked the good doctor."
"And youapparently." She grinned at him. "Darling, we’rehaving a son."
"Have Isufficiently thanked you?" He asked her huskily.
"Diamonds willdo it." She told him softly.
"I’m goingto buy out the entire diamond district." He promised herhuskily.