Page 7 of Dion
"You’re aperfectionist." He pointed out.
"You say thatlike it's a bad thing."
"It can be."He grinned at her. "I remember when you were designing thecontemporary lines to put in the stores. You’d call me up atall hours of the day and night obsessing over the design."
"That's becauseI was afraid of your mother. She’s scary as hell, and shedidn’t want to include my designs in the first place. She put alot of pressure on me to come up with something spectacular."She gave him a thoughtful look. "You were very patient with me."
"I wanted tostrangle you by the end of it.' He told her dryly, green eyestwinkling.
"You told me toget over myself and get it done. You were an asshole."
"You got itdone, didn’t you?"
"That’sbeside the point." Putting the glass down, she went back toslicing tomatoes. "I have this idea for straight A-line dresses,and I’ve been scouring all of Europe for the right kind ofmaterial and colors."
She dumped the piecesof tomato into the bowl. "Instead of pastel. The femalecharacter is blonde and white." She broke off with a smile whenhe started laughing.
"I happen toknow her."
"So, you agreewith me."
"Erin is abeautiful and classy young woman."
"I didn’tsay she wasn’t, but she is too damn blonde. Blonde hair andghostly white skin.” She shook her head. “So definitelyjewel colors.”
“I agree.”
“I love this.”She’d finished chopping vegetables and turned the flame down onthe chili.
"This what?"
"Us, here likethis. It feels right."
"I was justthinking the same thing." He objectively admired her smooth skinand the hairs curling against her face. She wasn’t wearingmakeup and was the most beautiful woman he’d ever known. "Wantto talk?"
She shrugged. "Hewants to meet."
"You’venot decided to?"
"He claims he’sill."
"You think he’slying?"
She shrugged again,her expression moody and irritable. "The guy walked out on uslike a zillion years ago and I grew accustomed to not having a Dad.Now he wants to come back and expects me to run over and give him ahug. Screw that."
"Lydia thinksdifferent, I’m guessing"
"Lydia is theforgiving sort. I’m not." She sighed. "He’smessing with my head. I hate him for what he did -"
"However, you’recurious. You want to confront him and demand to know what the hellhappened to make him turn tail and run."
She gave him a ruefullook. "You get me."
"I always do."Their eyes met and held for a minute before she picked her glass up.
“Anyway,thinking about it got me off my game. I want to just put him away andnot think about him at all, but every few minutes, something wouldpop up. I can’t help think it’s very convenient for himto come back into our lives at a time when both Lydia and I are doingvery well. It has to be about money. Am I being cynical?”
“You’rebeing realistic.” He told her quietly.