Page 67 of Dion
Being here inthis hell hole made him realize how much he needed her, but he had tofind a way to fight this battle on his own.
“Look, I’mpast that. I came here to see if you still had any power over me.”His eyes swept over the face that had haunted his nights and filledhim with so much anguish. Now, to his immense relief, he feltnothing.
“And you don’t.I’m also here to warn you about coming after me and my familyagain. Am I making myself clear? We know your weakness now, Amelia,and trust me when I tell you I’m not afraid to exploit it.”
“Leave mydaughter out of it.” Her voice trembled and he could swearthere were tears in her eyes.
“Not so toughnow, are you?” Pushing back the chair, he rose. “This isgoodbye, Amelia. No more phone calls or trying to come up with a wayto get to me. It’s over.”
He went over to rapon the door to get the guard’s attention.
He turned to look ather.
“I did loveyou, you know.”
“You had a damnfunny way of showing it.” He said coolly as he turned andwalked out of her life.
She wasn’thome. He’d been calling her phone ever since he left the prisonand she wasn’t picking up. On impulse, he’d gone straightfrom the airport to her house and it was shrouded in darkness.
Her car wasn’tin the driveway and pounding on the door and ringing the bell hadyielded anything. Where the hell was she? Sitting on the porch swing,he tried her on the phone again.
“Hey. It’sme. Again. Look, I know I pissed you off and it seems that’sbecoming my favorite pastime. Odette, I need to talk. We need to talkand I want to do this face to face. I-“ He hung up infrustration as the message ran out.
His brow suddenlycleared. He knew exactly where she was – where she would gowhenever she had something troubling her. He was going to find herand hope to God he wasn’t too late.
Odette stopped at theold warehouse. She wasn’t daunted by the abandoned look of thedilapidated building or the tall, wispy grass that covered her almostthe waist. Nor was she thinking about the eerie silence around her.She’d come for a run to get rid of the cobwebs.
She wanted to bealone to decide what she should do next. She was pregnant and Godknows she needed this baby. She hadn’t slept a wink over thepast week and Dion hadn’t called her.
That was okay withher or that was what she was trying to tell herself. She deservedbetter than being with a man who was hung up on another woman. Shewas beautiful, talented and independent. She'd made something ofherself and wasn’t going to allow herself to settle foranything less than the best.
If he was stupidenough to be still in love with that bitch, it was his loss. Bracingher hand against the rotting wood, she did her stretches, feeling thetightness of her muscles. She’d done more than three miles andwas feeling it on her soles and calves, but it hadn’t helped.
She’d forgottento bring a jacket. The night breeze touched her skin with icyfingers, sending shivers all over her body and drying the sweat fromher skin. She’d cried two nights in a row and was done withthat. She was going to focus on the life she was carrying inside her.This baby was going to get the best of her.
He or she deservedthat. Whatever was going on with Dion, that was his business. Herheart felt empty and battered, but it would heal. She missed histouch, the feel of his mouth on hers, the light green eyes watchingher with lazy speculation that was strangely intimate.
She felt the tearswelling again and turning abruptly headed back. It was getting darkand the cold was getting unbearable. It wouldn’t do for her tocatch pneumonia.
“Oh, great.”She whispered when she felt the first droplet of rain on her face.She was going to have to run the rest of the way. With that in mind,she increased her pace and started running as the droplets turnedinto full blown rain.
By the time the cabincame in sight, she was soaked to the skin and shivering. She wasconcentrating so much on getting inside the cabin she didn’tsee the vehicle until she was almost on top of it.
Chapter 14
Her teeth chattering,she stopped briefly to stare at the familiar vehicle. Even though herheart had picked up speed, her mouth tightened as she headed towardthe front door which she’d left unlocked. The car was empty,which meant he was inside.
Pushing the dooropen, she marched in and slammed it shut behind her. He’dapparently been looking out for her as she saw him standing insidethe narrow passage way. His eyes narrowed as he stared at her."You’re soaking wet."
"What are youdoing here?"
"I came to seeyou. Let me get you a towel and-"