Page 59 of Dion
She was beginning tomean so much to him and it was scaring the daylights out of him. Heheld something of himself back and knew instinctively it was hurtingher. He had to be sure his soul would be intact. With Odette, it wasgoing to be even more significant, because she was carrying his baby.
“Close thedoors, darling.” He’d arrived first thing in the morningto make his report to the board.
“You soundedconcerned over the phone.” His light green eyes watched as shestood behind her desk. “I hope it has nothing to do with thefact Odette and I have decided to come out about our relationship.”
“I couldn’tbe happier.” She gave him a distracted smile and gestured forhim to take a seat. “We have a problem.”
“What sort ofproblem?”
“Joel Haskinscalled and wants to meet.”
“Of Haskins’Publications?”
“Yes.”Lowering herself into the chair, Ilene clasped her hands in front ofher. “Amelia is writing a tell-all book.”
Dion felt the despairwrapping around him. He’d suspected that when he decided tocome out with the fact he was seeing Odette, it was going to be aproblem, and she’d try and do something to get back at him.
A tell-all book meanteverything they’d done when they were together. He was the COOof a highly respectable company and was about to be a father, hecouldn’t afford another scandal.
“How soon?”he asked dully.
“It’sslated for publication in December.”
“Perhaps Ishould go and talk to her.”
“That’snot a good idea.”
“What do yousuggest I do?” His hands were gripping the sides of the chair,his knuckles white.
“I’mmeeting with John.”
“Trying toclean up my mess again?” He asked bitterly. “I should bethe one to do it. What I did, when I got involved with Amelia, Iopened myself, and you, as well as the company to all sorts of mess.
Now, there’seven more at stake. I knew when I came out about the relationship,there would be consequences.” Lunging to his feet, he startedprowling the carpeted floor restlessly. “Am I never going toget away from her?”
“I’mmeeting with John- “
“To do what?”
“To remind himthat his loyalty lies with us.” She watched as he strode overto the window, his hands shoved into the pockets of his dark bluedress pants.
He’d sounded sohappy when he called from Manhattan, not as stressed and discouragedas he’d been when he first got there. Now he was being thrownback into his past and she couldn’t stand it.
“In otherwords, you’re thinking of offering a bribe.”
“Or persuadehim to kill the story.”
“A book likethat will probably become a bestseller, and she’s entitled towrite it.”
“Not if itinvolves you. I’ve asked our lawyers to come up with ways ofblocking it, if we don’t get through to John. His publishinghouse has been experiencing a bit of financial trouble which mighttempt him to do something foolish.”
“I need to bein the meeting and have a look at what she’s written. Butfirst, I have to call Odette. Please excuse me.”
She watched himleave, a furious frown on her face. That damn woman! Prison was toogood for her. Her son was getting his life together finally and shewouldn’t leave him alone. Picking up the phone, she dialed herassistant. “I need Elliot right away.”
“You soundedtroubled when you called. What’s wrong?”