Page 56 of Dion
"It was justtalk." His thumb caressed her cheek. "I knelt behind youwhile you were puking your guts out and felt it tearing at my heart.I’m not sure I can go through this again. Besides, I might nothave the capabilities. My sperm count, remember?"
"We’relooking for trouble where there could be none." She said firmly.Reaching up a hand, she placed it over his. "We’ll getthrough this pregnancy and see what happens next. I came here to bewith you and for you to show me a good time."
"I intend to. Iwas planning on us taking in a Broadway show, but you’re notwell."
"I puked andbeing pregnant does that to most women. I’m not suffering froma terminal disease. We’re going."
"I don't want tohear it. My stomach is settled now and I refuse to allow thispregnancy to kick my ass. Is that clear?"
"Yes ma'am."He replied, a smile playing around his lips. "Ah, your meal ishere."
He was happy she’dinsisted on them going. She had a blast and told him so. After theshow, she insisted on them strolling along the streets of Manhattanwith its fabulous stores and busy sidewalks. People were rushing togo about their different locations and barely spared them a glance.It was wonderful and liberating.
"You had a goodtime."
"I had a greattime." She corrected him as she slipped out of her flimsyfootwear.
"How on earthyou managed to walk in that and not break your neck is a wonder tome." He pointed out dryly as he loosened his tie.
"I’m awoman." She pointed out as she shimmied out of the metallic golddress she’d worn to the show.
"That's sayingwhat exactly?"
"I was born towear heels." She grinned at him and he felt his insides turningto mush as he stared at her. She wasn’t showing yet and herstomach was still flat.
The poor excuse forpanties looked great on her skin, the black lace a great contrast toher complexion. Reaching up a hand, she took the pins out of her hairand gave it a shake that tumbled it around her shoulders in lustrouscurls.
"You’rethe sexiest woman I’ve ever seen." He said huskily.
She went still atthat.
"I bet you saythat to all the girls."
"Just one."He rose and took off his pants and shirt. "You. Are you feelingokay?"
"I’mfeeling great. Why?"
"Because."He walked over to her, hands lifting to caress her neck.
"Because what?"
"I want to dothis." His head bent to hers and she welcomed the soft kisseagerly. They’d sat in his private box holding hands and it’dthrilled her he’d been willing to show everyone they were athing.
Her slender bodymoved closer to his, her arms wrapped around his neck. Withoutbreaking the kiss, he lifted her, striding with her toward the bed.
Laying her down, hecovered her body with his. He deepened the kiss, his hands roaming upand down her body restlessly. Lifting his head, he finishedundressing before taking her lips again. This time, he kissed herwith an urgency that took her breath away and had her blood boiling.
"Not yet."Dragging his mouth from hers, he trailed kisses down her cheek andalong the length of her neck.
Her body arched inanticipation as he nibbled at her skin and blazed a fiery path downthe column of her throat until he was kissing the sides of herbreast. Her fingers clenched on the sheets and she felt her bodylifting as he suckled on her nipple.
"Oh, Dion."Her voice was an aching whisper, her passion increasing to impossibleproportions. "Don't stop. Please."