Page 46 of Dion
"I’ve seenthe photos of the building and have to say I’m impressed."
Ilene nodded herapproval as she dipped into her soup. A light breeze had sprung upand felt wonderful against the skin. "Dion was determined to beinvolved in even the tiniest details. "
"I understand itwas part of the original structure of 34th street and was once afancy hotel. It takes up several blocks?"
"Yes." Dionwas happy to let his mother to give the details as he watched thewoman next to him listening with keen interest. He found himselfadmiring the sculpted cheekbones and wondered why she had neverthought about modeling. She would have been excellent at it.
"It's going tobe one of super department stores where the wealthy are catered to.There’ll be several restaurants, a theater, a lounge area, aclub and different departments where one can shop and drink champagnewhile doing so."
"It soundsexorbitant."
"It’ssupposed to be."
Odette turned to lookat him as he made the comment. "The ultimate shoppingexperience, not just a store, but a complete experience. It will be aplace to dine and go to the theater, to relax and be catered to. Theextravagance will be worth it."
He picked up hisglass of wine and took a sip, his eyes on her. "An exclusivestore with a fantastic experience."
"It soundsfabulous. Will there be famous singers headlining the opening?"
He nodded. "There’llbe Opera as well as for the classics, some R&B - an eclecticmix."
"When’sthe opening?"
"I thought itwould be in time for the summer."
"A few glitches.We wanted it to be, but there have been some delays. I’m goingto Manhattan for a week to sort them out." His eyes met hersover the rim of the glass. "You could come."
His invitation joltedher and for a minute they forgot they had an audience.
"There will betons of reporters." She reminded him.
"I’m notready for that yet and I know you aren't. Besides, I have some thingsto take care of here. My next appointment is on Wednesday."
"I won’tleave before then." He promised.
Chapter 10
"It's a grandold place and way too big for one person." They were ascendingthe spiral staircase as they finished the tour of the first floor.She was staggered by the decor, the antique furnishings, theexpensive artworks decorating the silk wallpaper, the Ming vase inthe hallway. "How many rooms are there?"
"Ten suites intotal and several stand-alone bedrooms for staff members. There’sa winery in what I suppose you’d call the basement as well as amodern gym, a theater room and a game room."
"This is mysuite."
"Is there areason we’re standing outside instead of going in?"
"I hate it."He admitted with a twist of his lips.
"Bad memories?"
He nodded.
"How about wechange that?"
"What do you-"Before he could finish the question, she’d pushed the doorsopen to reveal a masculine sitting room with tan furnishings. Movingpast that, she stepped into a bedroom that was twice the size of thesitting room. "The fireplace is massive."