Page 29 of Dion
"I’mcarrying a baby inside me and I’m going to make sure I eat.Don't worry." She’d been true to her word. She orderedtakeout most of the time and would make sure she ate a good breakfastand have fruit and milk for lunch.
She was evenbeginning to like the stuff. The milk, that is. It wasn’t sobad after all. Very soon, the scent of the soup filled the kitchen.
Grabbing a loaf ofbread, she cut slices and slathered them with butter, before puttingit and the soup on a tray. She’d go by the pool after all andeat out there. Swapping her sandals for flip flops, she headed outand closed the door behind her.
It was a beautifulday in July, not too hot and steamy as the other days had been. She’dbeen working on her gardening skills, something to keep her occupiedwhen she was done with work. Her mother had been quite skilled atgardening, something she’d passed on to her two daughters.
Fourth of July hadcome and gone and she’d declined Lydia's invitation to attend abarbecue over at her place where she was having some doctors over.She hadn’t wanted to be near a bunch of people she barely knew.
She knew Dion hadspent the time at his club, because he’d told her about thebash they had planned. Putting the tray down, she slipped out of herfootwear and sat with her feet curled beneath her. The place needsweeding, she made the observation as she looked around. That wassomething to take her mind off her troubles.
She could call him,she thought. Ask him to come over. Ask him to make love to her andease the pain of her nipples. And then what?
She could treat itcasually. Reaching for her milk, she took sips before putting theglass down. She could be practical. "’I’m horny-"She shook her head.
Maybe not so crass."I’m having these flashes of emotions, you know - well youdon't know, since being a guy, you’ve never been pregnant andnever will be. Being pregnant brings out a certain thing inside you.I have been feeling aroused-" She wrinkled her nose at the word."For want of a better term.
Since I’mcarrying your baby, I suppose you’re the one who will have toservice-" She shook her head again. "Oh, for crying outloud!" She tried again. "Look, I need some attention hereand you have to be the one to do it."
She was OdetteBillings and she was smart, beautiful and an independent black womanwho spoke her mind. She was in love with him and sitting here likesome lost soul wasn’t going to cut it. She wasn’t used tobeing this way, anyway. She wanted Dion and sniping at him like somebesotted teenager wasn’t going to help.
She was a grown asswoman, not some lovesick teenager who had to alienate a guy in orderto try and get his attention. What she was doing was driving him awayand probably pushing him into that crazy bitch's arms. She had looksand knew how to seduce a man. Yes, her track record wasn’tgreat, but to hell with that.
Making the decision,she picked up her spoon and started eating. Now she had come to aconclusion, she realized she was starving.
She wanted to seehim. She’d finally responded to his text, but not the way he’dexpected. It had been a terse message. 'Come by my place when you’rethrough for the day. We need to talk.' That had been it. She couldhave called, but instead she’d sent a text. There was nothinghe could do about her situation because it was too late.
Perhaps she wanted tomake it more formal. Perhaps she was going to tell him she’dmet someone. If that was the case, he’d deal with it. He didn’town her after all and she was a free agent. He didn’t like theway that was making him feel.
He would be matureabout it and tell her he understood. They would still be friends, ofcourse, but he’d keep his distance. His day had been shot tohell since this morning and he’d barely been able toconcentrate on anything much.
He would get theconversation with her out of the way and be done with it. Whatevershe wanted to do was fine by him. He’d asked her for themotherlode of favors and she’d come through for him. For that,he was grateful. So, whatever she decided would be fine by him aswell.
He’d called andsaid he was held up with a meeting he’d been unable to get outof and would be late.
“Don’t.Just get here when you can.”
Now, she was pacingthe living room and watching as he drove into the yard. It wasapproaching eight p.m., but was still light out.
She watched as he gotout of the car and felt her heartbeat quicken. He’d shed thejacket and tie and his pink shirt was opened at the throat. He’dalso rolled the sleeves up to the elbows. His brown hair waswindswept because he’d left the top of the car down.
Moving away from thewindow, she waited for him to come into the living room.
He stood inside thedoorway as if he was gauging her mood. She’d said some awfulthings to him and she could sense his hesitancy.
“No.”Taking a deep breath, he came further into the room. “I’dlike to say something.”
“I shouldn’thave asked you to – you know, do this thing for me.” Hestarted pacing, a frown on his brow. “It was taking advantageof our friendship and now-“ He stopped to face her, an agonizedexpression on his face that made her want to run to him.