Page 26 of Dion

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Page 26 of Dion

"You look likehell." She’d said bluntly and proceeded to order theheaviest meal on the menu.

"I’m notgoing to be able to eat all of that." He protested.

"You will if youdon’t want me force feeding you. This happens to be a veryexpensive restaurant and I’m not made of money. Not like you."

"I could pick upthe tab."

"I was the onewho invited you."

She’d engagedhim in conversation until he was laughing at her jokes and finishingeverything on his plate. He’d left that restaurant feeling asif he was a brand-new person. She had a way of making him feel wholeand sane again. Closing his eyes, he leaned against the sink and tooka deep breath. He was getting better, yes, he was.


She couldn’tsleep. After hanging up from him, she laid there staring up at theceiling. She’d heard the panic in his voice when he called andhad wanted to book a flight and go to him. If he’d been in thecountry, that was what she would have done and it wouldn’t havebeen a good idea.

He would have figuredout she wasn’t just being a friend. She would climb into bedwith him and try to make him forget. She would have offered him herbody. Her heart was already involved and giving him her body wouldmake things even worse.

She had to stay aloof- but could she? Hauling herself up, she drew her knees up to herchin and wrapped her arms around them.

She didn’t likethat he was hurting. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and takethe pain away. She had no idea what to do and how to be around himanymore. She could use the pregnancy as an excuse, but how much wasshe going to be able to hide from him? She had no idea.

Hewas coming back in a day or two and they were supposed to be havinglunch somewhere. She’d offer to cook for them - or suggest theygo to his place but being alone with him was going to make thingsworse.

It would have to be apublic place. Climbing off the bed, she pulled on her robe and wentinto the bathroom to stare at herself in the mirror. She’d beenbusying herself with work, just to occupy her mind so she didn’tthink about him so much.

The nights were purehell. Her bed was empty and lonely and she kept having erotic dreamsabout him. He was naked on top of her, whispering in her ear, tellingher how much she meant to him. Sliding inside her and telling her shewas the best thing that ever happened to him and she’d wake upwith sweat washing her body.

Filling a glass withwater, she gulped it down. She was going to have to find a way to getcontrol of her emotions.

Chapter 6

"Everything isgoing well, I take it?"

"Yes, of course.I’m just making sure." Dr. Mitchell looked up at her asshe put down the machine she’d been using. "Heartbeat isstrong and the fetus is growing nicely." Plucking out sometissues, she started to hand them to Odette, but Dion took them fromher.

"I’ll doit."

"I’llleave you to it then. Please meet me in my office when you’rethrough."

"Two monthsalready." Dion gently wiped the gel off her flat stomach.

"It feelsstrange, and it's not a baby yet, just a tiny dot."

"That will growinto a person with regular features." He was being very thoroughmaking sure all the sticky moisture was cleaned off her skin. Dumpingthe sodden tissues, he plucked out some more and started again.Odette wished he would stop. It was getting to her.

"I suppose."

Something in hervoice made him look up at her. "What's wrong?"



"Just feeling alittle melancholy."

"Is it yourDad?"

She seized on that."I guess."

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