Page 24 of Dion
"I see rightthrough you, Odette, and I’m surprised he hasn’t figuredit out. This is going to complicate things in ways you can’teven imagine."
"Thanks for thegloom and doom. I’m not in love with him."
"Tell yourselfthat, but know you’re lying to yourself and to me." A grimsmile crossed Lydia's mouth. "You were involved with aworld-class loser who tried to take you for everything you have, butthat’s nothing compared to what you’re getting into withDion Horton. Watch and see."
"I know what I’mdoing." She didn’t even sound convincing to herself.
"Do you? Don'tsay I didn’t warn you."
Later, when hersister had left, she sat there allowing the conversation to runthrough her mind. Yes, she was in love with Dion and had no idea whenit’d changed from being his best friend to being in love withhim. She supposed it’d happened in stages and she’d beenunable to stop it.
At first, she’dthought it was her being protective, but it was stronger than that.She responded to his touch in the most alarming manner.
That day, after theyhad left the clinic, she’d come home and tried to forget thescent of his cologne, his long lean body against hers. That night,she’d woken up in a cold sweat and her nipples so hard theywere painful.
Rubbing the glassover her forehead, she wondered when it’d gotten socomplicated- at least for her. To him, she was just a friend and shecouldn’t bear it. She wanted things to change. She wanted himto fall in love with her and for them to be a family.
She wanted to erasethe past for him and have him concentrate on just her. With a sigh,she lowered the glass. She wanted what she could never have, and itwas killing her.
He was still in lovewith that homicidal bitch, that much was clear. He hadn’t saidanything about her calling him and she was afraid to ask. But even ifthey weren’t communicating, that didn’t mean he wasn’tthinking about her.
"Why are you soobsessed with her?" She’d asked him one night when theywere unloading on each other.
"She taught methings." A sad smile had touched his lips. "Pain with sexthat morphed into pleasure. She made me do things I never knew couldbe done. We had sex in the bathroom of a restaurant, with her callingout my name and urging me to go deeper, to hurt her."
"Yes." He’dagreed. "But I couldn’t stop." He admitted and sheknew it had taken a lot for him to say it to her. He’dconfessed to her that she was the only one he’d spoken openlyabout it.
Lydia was right. Thiswas no longer an arrangement with her, if it had ever been one in thefirst place. Pushing the soup away, she went to get a glass of waterand sat there brooding.
He woke up in themiddle of the night, choking on his saliva, with the sweat pouringfrom his face. Jumping up, he called for the light and sat up againstthe pillows. His shirt was soaked and he was shivering. Waiting untilhis heart had stopped racing, he automatically reached for the phoneand called her.
"Christ, I’msorry. I woke you up. Go back to sleep." His hands weretrembling and his body felt clammy.
"I’m awakenow. What's wrong?"
"Nightmares.They cooled off for a while but for some reason it came backtonight." He passed a shaky hand over his face. "I’msorry-"
"If you don'tstop apologizing you’re going to piss me off. Want to talkabout it?"
"She was comingfor me with the knife and I couldn’t do anything. I just stoodthere. Odette-" He drew in a breath. "I shouldn’t bebothering you with this. You’re pregnant."
"Just shut thehell up. I’m not on my deathbed and if you keep throwing the'p' word at me, I’m going to hurt you." Her voicesoftened. "Where are you?"
"In a very hipand luxurious hotel- the penthouse suite."
"I’dexpect nothing less. What did you eat?"
"The menu, Dion.What was on it?"