Page 19 of Dion
“It’s notchild or baby-friendly. Too many sharp points and ways to tangle up."
"I’m sureIlene will want her grandchild growing up at the manor."
"Possibly. Howabout you? Will it be strange for you to give up the baby you carryfor nine months?"
"It might be."
"I wasthinking."
"Of course youwere."
He smiled at that."We could be co-parents. The child will need a mother."
"I’m sureIlene will want to play that role.”
“She’llbe a grandmother. I’ve never asked you before. How do you feelabout being a mother?"
"I’m notone yet."
"So am I andI’ve never thought about it."
"But is itsomething you want?"
"Why all thesequestions?"
Rolling to his feet,he went to freshen up his drink. "I’m just thinking ofyou."
"That's sweet,but I’m fine and we’ll cross that bridge when we come toit."
"You’llthink about it?”
“I definitelywill. I’m happy we are doing this."
"So am I. Willyou call me if there is another episode?"
She laughed again. "Isuppose that's one way to put it. Yes, I absolutely will. Good night,Dion."
"Good night."
Putting down thephone, he stared off into the darkness, realizing he hadn’tbothered to put the lights on. He’d shrugged off his suitjacket and slung it carelessly over the arm of one of the chairs andtaken off his shoes and tie. He’d grabbed something at work, sohe wasn’t hungry.
He didn’t havea live-in help because he preferred to be alone whenever he camehome. After the awful incident with Amelia and the crushingrealization that he’d messed up once again, it had beendifficult for him to be around people.
He’d stayedwith his mother for months as he recuperated, but insisted on movingout when he was strong enough.
The first few monthson his own had been terrifying. He’d seen her in every room andhad been haunted by her voice. Not to mention the fact that she’dstarted calling him and he’d almost succumbed to her persuasionto go and see her.
She’dintroduced so many things into the foreplay that he’d lostcount and almost lost himself. Never again, he vowed, feeling theharshness and coldness settling over him. She’d almost takenhis soul and his life and he’d never give another human beingthat much power over him.
What about Odette?The voice sneaked inside his head with a suddenness that had theglass stop halfway to his mouth. Things are going to change betweenyou, are you prepared for it?
Shaking his head, herefused to entertain the thought. They were friends and if she waspregnant, he was going to owe her big time for the rest of his lifeand that was all there was to it.
"In your firsttrimester." Dr. Mitchell beamed at them, a pleased look on herface. "And you’re doing very well."