Page 11 of Dion
“Same thing.”
“And the secondtime, I asked if everything was okay.”
He grinned at her.Taking her hand, he pressed his lips against the back of it. “You'redoing all the work.”
“You had betterremember that, too. I’m fine. You realize this might not happenat the first try, right?”
“I know.”He was still holding her hand and somehow it felt right. “But Ihave high hopes.”
“So do I.Fingers and everything else crossed.”
They both looked upas the doctor came back into the room.
“You’refree to go. I have added some supplements and vitamins to yourprescription.”
Noticing thejoined hands, she pulled up a swivel stool next to the bed.
“I remindedDion it could take several tries before anything happens.”
“Indeed, butwe’ll hope for the best. You’ll know when it happens.”She told Odette with a smile.
“As soon as Ifeel the slightest twinge, you’ll be the third to know.”She smiled at Dion. “The first will be you and I know Ilenewill be second.”
“Of course. Iwish you both all the best.”
“What now?”Dion asked as they went out to the parking lot.
“Don’tyou have a multi-billion-dollar company to run?” It was a balmyafternoon in May and the scent of begonias budding nearby made for apleasant ambience.
“And you havedesigns to submit.”
“I do. Ifinally managed to come up with something satisfactory.”
“I’m sureit’s more than that. I –“ His phone pinged. “Giveme a minute, it’s probably my assistant-“ He frowned ashe stared at the LED.
“Yes?” Hestared at Odette.
“Who -“Suddenly she realized and the anger came. “Give it to me.”
“No. I –I'm just going to ignore it.”
“She’sjust going to call back. You should report her to the prison guards.”Grabbing the phone from him, she slid the green icon.
“Darling- “
“Listen,you sick bitch. Leave him the hell alone. Haven’t you doneenough?”
“Who isthis?”
“This is thewoman who’s going to have your phone privileges revoked. Hedoesn’t want to talk to you.”
“Is he screwingyou? Because if he is, that’s not going to last very long. Hebelongs to me; we share a bond- “