Page 61 of Nash
They’d nevereven been to dinner and, on top of that, she was an employee. Thiswas new for him and he had no idea how to navigate it. He’ddeliberately stayed at Miriam’s until it was time for him tomeet her. And dear God, he was looking forward to being with her. Hewanted to touch her, taste her skin, feel her naked body pressedagainst him.
The need was so greatthat when he drove into the lot and saw her car there and herstanding outside, it did something to his heart. Sliding into hisparking space, he took several minutes to compose himself beforegetting out.
“Hi. I cameearly and decided to get some air. It’s a gorgeous night. A bitcold, but look at that sky and those stars!”
“Have you beenwaiting long?”
“Just a fewminutes.” She turned to look at him. “I didn’t mindwaiting.” She walked into his arms before he could react.“Welcome home.” She tipped her head up so that she couldkiss him. “This is the greeting I wanted to give you when Istepped into your office.”
His arms came aroundher waist with stunning force and as soon as her lips made contactwith his, the passion exploded between them. One hand swooped up todig into the neat bun at the back of her neck, while he devoured her.
Chapter 15
Ending the kiss hebacked away, his face taut with passion, sending shivers along herspine.
"We should goin, it's cold." His voice was harsh and she could see how hardhe was fighting for control.
"Is that what Iam?" He turned away and without looking to see if she wasfollowing, strode toward the entrance and uncoded the doors. By thetime they slid open, she’d caught up with him.
She was shivering,but it wasn’t from the biting cold of the wind. They rode theelevator in silence and Allison respected his need for it, and forthe fact that he stayed away from her inside the car.
The minute the doorsslid open, he moved past her and opened the doors of the apartment,standing back for her to enter. In silence, he took her coat and herovernight case.
"Well, forgiveme, but I need a stiff one." Dumping her things on a side table,he went into the living room where the warmth from the electronicfire quickly enveloped them.
Sliding out of herboots, she sat on the edge of the sofa and watched as he touched abutton on the cabinet. Taking the drink with him, he wandered over tothe window to look out.
"Are you goingto be sulking the entire time?" She asked him mildly, mentallyshaking her head at his stony profile.
Her words had thepower to whip him around and she was rewarded by a scorching look."You think I’m sulking?"
"I don't know,Nash. Are you angry with me or yourself? It seems to me you’reat some kind of crossroads. You want me and you’re angry aboutit. Am I right so far?"
He continued to stareat her before drinking the liquor in one swallow. Moving toward thecabinet, he slammed the glass with enough force to cause her to jump,before walking toward her slowly. The expression on his face had herrising to her feet and backing away.
"Are you afraidof me?" He asked silkily, coming to stand a few inches in frontof her.
"Why, should Ibe?" She had to make a conscious effort not to move and keep hervoice steady.
"You’reannoying and a pain in the ass."
Her chin lifted atthat. "I can always go home."
His hands clamped onher arms, fingers biting into her skin. "Do you know where Iwas, just before I came home?"
"I’m sureyou are going to tell me."
"I was withMiriam." He told her cruelly. "What do you have to sayabout that?"
"As long as youdidn’t take her to bed, then I have nothing to say. You’vebeen friends for a long time and I respect that."
He shook her hardenough for her head to snap back. "You think you can controlme?"