Page 6 of Nash
“Thank you.”Without turning to look at the kindly woman, he rose and tried tocompose himself.
“Has my sonleft?”
“Yes, sir.”His nerves were lacerated from the brief visit and the bittermemories of the past. Clearing his throat, he turned and walked tothe table. “Thank you, Hilda.”
Nash drove to thetownhouse, clearing his mind as he made his way there. A valet camerushing forward to open the door and take the keys. With a slight nodof thanks, he strode into the lobby and made his way to the elevator.She was waiting for him as he stepped from the car and turned towardsthe door. “I didn’t expect you tonight.”
“Does that meanI’m not welcome?” His chiseled lips tilted upward into arare smile as he stepped into the foyer, his hands going to hershoulders.
“You knowbetter than that.” Lifting her head, she studied the face she’dcome to love. She didn’t kid herself that one day her lovewould be returned. She was just a much older friend who’dalways been there for him. He’d come to see her whenever he wastroubled or going through something.
“I poured aglass of whiskey.” Turning out of his hands, she led the wayinto the pretty blue and white sitting room where the electronic firewas snapping inside the hearth.
“You know mewell.” Taking the glass from her, he went to stand by themantle, as he took in the woman clad in a silky black robe. “Ihope I didn’t interrupt your evening?”
“No. I was justfinishing up a painting for the gallery.”
“I see you gotyour mojo back.” He teased. Miriam Gershom was ten years olderthan him and probably the only woman who’d ever meant anythingto him. She’d been the one to put him up when he was out in thecold and living in halfway houses.
She’d seen himone night as she was coming home from her art class and decided togive him shelter in her tiny apartment. He’d stayed there for ayear before leaving to go and seek his fortune. She’d nevertaken advantage of him and they’d kept in touch.
Miriam had been theone to encourage him whenever he sunk to the depths of depressionover the years. As soon as he made his fortune, he’d bought herthis place and backed the gallery she now owned outright.
Their on and offagain relationship steadied him. They had sex whenever he was in themood and she knew him enough never to press him for a commitment.
He encouraged her tobe with someone her own age, but after her painful divorce, she’ddecided that a relationship wasn’t for her. Nash made her feelwonderful and he accepted her for who she was. She knew one day hewas going to marry someone, if only to produce an heir and she toldherself she accepted that.
“Something likethat. Hungry?”
“A little.”His eyes were smoldering and sending tingles all over her skin. “Comehere.”
His deep baritonesent heat rushing to the core of her. She was a forty-five-year-oldwoman who’d been married for fifteen years and a single look ortouch from the imposing man standing in her sitting room made herfeel like a giddy teenager.
“You soundedupset when you called.”
“I’m notupset now.” Tossing back the rest of the drink, he stretchedout a hand, a slight smile crossing his sensuous lips.
“Do you want totalk?” Wishing she’d taken the time to tidy her hair, sheplaced her hand in his.
“Later.”He said gruffly as he yanked her closer.
Later, inside hisloft, Nash rubbed the excess water from his hair and slung the damptowel carelessly into the hamper. He never spent the night and Miriamnever asked him to. The sex was good, of course, and the conversationmuch better.
She was his soundingboard and the only one he allowed to take certain privileges. She wasthe closest he came to having any sort of feelings for a woman.
He wasn’twilling to open his heart to anyone. He’d been through too muchin his life to lower his guard that way. He amused himself with thewomen he saw and made it plain he wasn’t in for the long haul.
When the time came,and he’d been thinking about that recently, he’d choosesomeone who would give him a son, a wife who wouldn’t expectanything more from him than he was prepared to give. He’d makesure she was well taken care of and never lacked for anything.
He stepped in frontof the mirror and stared at the raised scars ribboning his darkchest. There were more, crisscrossing ones that had healed into thin,pale scars on his back. Courtesy of a man who was supposed to loveand care for him. He’d been forced to grow up a hell of a lotsince he discovered he was unwanted.
He’d sworn froma young age he’d never be that vulnerable again. He’dnever put himself through the torture of wanting someone to love him.He didn’t need anyone. He’d pushed himself bothphysically and mentally and was now one of the richest men in theworld.
People fawned overhim; he was invited to parties where he was waited on. He could lookon in amusement whenever he saw the evidence of how far he’dcome in the world. He ate at the finest restaurants, his clothes wereperfectly tailored, and he could go anywhere he wanted.