Page 51 of Nash
"Which makes fora lonely bedfellow." Michael told her wryly. "I’vestarted seeing someone."
Allison stared at himwith interest. "Who?"
"Someone at themagazine. Nice enough woman. Her name is Henrietta and we’retaking things slow."
"Does she knowyou’re still in love with your ex?"
"I’m not-"Shaking his head, he blew out a breath. "I was honest with her.She’s also divorced, so issues all around."
"I have afeeling you’re going to be in love for the rest of your life."She predicted.
"Please don'tsay that. I need to get on with my life."
"Or you canforgive her and start afresh."
"The image ofthem rolling on my sheets is still fresh in my mind. Perhaps if she’dtaken him to a motel or in the back seat of his car-" He grinnedat her wry look. "I would’ve been amenable to startingover. I know I’m single minded when it comes to my career and Itend to go to the extreme, but all she had to do was talk to me."
"Would that haveworked?"
He dug into his saladmoodily. "I keep telling myself that I would have listened. ThatI would have cut back on the travel, but I’m not so sure. Shetold me she understood when we first met. I laid it out for her, thewhole nine yards. I’m a workaholic, I tend to forget everythingelse when I’m pursuing a story, and all that.
She said she admiredmy tenacity, that was what makes me such a good writer. She said allof that, and the minute I was gone, she brought another man into ourbed. That just sticks in my craw. I can’t forgive her forthat."
Allison nodded inunderstanding. "Despite how much she hurt you, you’restill in love with her?"
"Yeah." Hepointed his fork at her. “You’d do well to remember that,darling. Love sucks.”
“You’re awriter, surely you can come up with something more profound?"
"Love sucks alot?" He grinned as she wrinkled her nose at him. "Asyou’re beginning to discover yourself. The man you’re inlove with is set in his ways and if you’re thinking of tryingto change him, you’re in for a big fight. Just saying."
He brooded in hisscotch. He’d left the hospital to come back to his loft. He wassupposed to be preparing for his trip tomorrow. He’d be awayfor almost a week and his treacherous body was yearning for her. Thathad never happened to him before and he was pissed.
How the hell had shemanaged to slip past his guard, the protection he’ddeliberately put up? Here he was, standing inside his bedroom and allhe wanted was to feel her body against his. Dammit! He found himselftaking out her toothbrush and the robe she’d left in hisbathroom, sniffing the subtle scent of her perfume.
He could call her,but he’d be damned if he was going to give her that power overhim. Tossing back the drink, he slammed the glass down and strodeinto his home office. It was better this way, he decided, as he wentto sit at his desk.
Pulling the contracttoward him, he tried to concentrate on the complicated wording. Thewords blurred before him, as his thoughts veered to the night she’dspent with him.
The way she’dtenderly kissed each of his scars as if trying to ease the pain. Thewomen he’d been with in the past had found them fascinating andasked with morbid curiosity what he’d gone through and wantedhim to tell them in detail what happened.
Allison hadn’tdone that. Her touch had been gentle as she placed kisses on hisskin. It had stopped his heart and his breath had become strangledinside his chest. That’s why he’d taken the coward’sway out and tried to push her away. He’d humiliated her infront of the board, because he wanted to take back the power.
He had no idea whatwas happening to him, but he couldn’t afford to hand over thepower. And that was what it felt like. Pushing away the contract, heleaned his head back and closed his eyes wearily. Hopefully this timeaway from her would put things into perspective.
Chapter 13
He’d been gonefor two days when she got the call.
“I was asked totransfer a call to you.” The cultured voice of Nash’sassistant came over the line and for a minute, she thought it washim.
“Who is it?”
“Mr. SilasHamilton. I’m not sure Mr. Nash would approve of him talking toyou. As a matter of fact, I have no idea why he would be calling tospeak to you.”
“I guess we’llnever know until I speak to him.” She told the woman mildly.