Page 40 of Nash
"Thank you,Nash, this interview has been very illuminating."
Allison let out abreath as the camera panned the audience who were cheering wildly andit took a few seconds to realize that the room had erupted as well.
"Okay, people."She smiled at them. "It's time to get back to work."
Her head lifted tosee the dragon assistant giving her a nod of approval.
Inside his livingroom, Silas Hamilton felt the tears sliding down his cheek. He’dheard about the interview and had been afraid to watch. His son hadbeen candid and hearing what he had to say made him feel lower thandirt. Over the years, he’d had time to reflect on his behaviorafter Margaret had been taken from him.
Yes, he’d feltthe pain of her death as keenly as if someone had taken a knife tohis chest repeatedly and twisted it inside his heart. He’dtaken one look at the baby and felt nothing but hatred. He’dblamed the child. If it hadn’t been for him, his Margaret wouldstill be alive, and he’d punished the boy in the worst possibleway.
Over the years,especially since Nash had come back into his life, he had time forreflection and regrets. He had no relationship with his only livingrelative. He’d tried, but the roadblocks were immovable. Hecouldn’t get through them. His apologies and explanations hadbeen listened to with politeness, then dismissed.
Nothing he said wasgetting through. He’d abused his son and felt the shamecoursing through his body. He’d placed the guilt squarely onthe boy's shoulders, drumming it into him until he believed he wasthe cause of his mother's death.
He hated himself andif he was any braver, he would end his life. But instead, he was hereliving in misery, which he supposed was poetic justice.
"He’sback!" Maddie burst into her office with the news half an hourlater.
"That'sexpected. This is his building."
"People arebuzzing about the interview."
"Social media ishaving a field day.” David breezed in behind Maddie, followedby the rest. “You performed a miracle.”
“I’d sayit is a team effort. We should-" Her voice tailed off as shespied the man standing inside the doorway. "Mr. Hamilton."
The others whirledaround in shock.
"Give us theroom." His deep baritone rang with authority and had themrushing out. Walking further in, he closed the door behind him.
"It was anexcellent interview." She had no idea what he was doing here. "Itold Rosalyn - advised her not to tread too firmly on-"
"I did theinterview as per your order."
"I didn’torder-"
"I beg todiffer." He came even closer and it occurred to her she wasstill standing.
"I needsomething in return."
Her body jerked insurprise at the unusual request. "What would that be?"
"I’m goingaway for several days and I want-" Lifting a hand, he draggedhis fingers through his hair. "I want you."
Allison sat then, shehad to or risked crumpling to the floor.
"I see."
"Do you?"He smiled at her grimly. "I want to get you out of my system. Itseems you’ve made quite an impression and I need to get back tomy life. My loft, about eight?"
"You’remaking an appointment to- to-" She had no idea how to term it.
"Yes." Heclipped. "What will it be?"