Page 32 of Nash
"That doesn’tmean shit when it comes to matters of the heart. He hasn’tcalled you-" He stopped and blinked at her. "You had sexwith him in the back seat of his car."
"You know Idid." She muttered impatiently.
"I’mguessing because it was spur of the moment, you didn’t useprotection."
"Good God."
"The need tohave you must have been so much it sent rational thinking out thewindow." Settling back against the cushions, he gave her athoughtful look. "I might not know the guy, but I’d beright to think he’s not the type to be with a woman withoutusing anything.
For one, he’sNash Hamilton and being that rich, he’d realize that womenwould want to trap him into marriage. That means-" He shook hishead, a smile touching his lips. "He’s attracted to youand probably not just an attraction. He feels something more thanthat. You might be onto something after all."
She refused to allowthe hope to take flight. "I was stupid."
" Well." Hegrinned at her. "This is very interesting."
"What's sointeresting about it?"
"It would amusethe hell out of me to see the mighty Nash Hamilton falling for a mereemployee."
"I’m not amere anything."
He shook his head."You’re beautiful, caring and very intelligent. You mightjust be what he needs." His smile widened, eyes twinkling withmirth. "I’m adding up two and two and getting ten."
"You’relousy at math."
"This time, I’mbetting that I’m right." He laughed softly. “The icyand unattainable Mr. Nash Hamilton has no idea what’s in storefor him."
"You’reenjoying this too much."
" I intend toenjoy it even more. I think I’m going to get myself some moreeggnog. Man, am I looking forward to seeing how this turns out."
He couldn’tconcentrate on the game. After losing two straight hands, he decidedto hell with it and folded. Ignoring the good-natured ribbing aboutbeing off his game, he went straight to one of the bars to take aseat and ordered his favorite scotch.
This particulardining room was almost empty, which wasn’t surprising as it wasalmost midnight. This suited him fine. He hadn’t wanted to goback to his empty room to sit and brood and remember. But hopefully,just sitting here and drinking would take his mind off his situation.
He was a member ofthe Elite Club and, at first, when he’d decided to put in anapplication for membership, he’d wondered if it would beaccepted. Not that being denied would have mattered to him, or so hetold himself at the time.
Being accepted as amember meant you were a part of the society which includes people ofroyal blood, whatever the hell that meant.
He was friends withPrince Francesco and Alexander. Men like Adam, Liam, David and otherswho’d been born with silver spoons in their mouths were hisfriends. As much as he allowed anyone to be close to him. He’ddiscovered to his surprise that they weren’t snobs. Far fromit.
Those same men hadmarried women who weren’t part of their society. Francesco hadmarried a former model and teacher. Alexander had fallen in love withan employee and Liam had become involved with a former con-artist. Heshook his head at the turn of events.
So, no, they weren’tsnobs at all and he actually liked them. None of them were at theclub because they had a family and were spending time with theirloved ones.
He didn’t havethat and for years, he told himself he was fine with it, but he wasrestless and lonely. What the hell was wrong with him? He polishedoff the scotch and gestured to the bartender for more.
He’d startedfeeling that sense of something missing since she walked into hisoffice and it had become even pronounced since he did the unexpectedby kissing her. Then, he’d compounded the problem by having herin the back seat of his car.
"Fancy seeingyou here." The familiar deep voice had him turning around, areluctant smile touching his lips.
"I could say thesame about you. It's Christmas and you’re supposed to be withthat lovely wife of yours."