Page 25 of Nash

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Page 25 of Nash

Allison glanced overat him, quaking at the set look to his jaw. His hands were grippingthe steering wheel tight enough so that his knuckles were white.

“I’mtrying to talk myself out of what I’m planning to do.” Hesaid harshly, finally turning his head to look at her. “Youshould probably call a cab.”

“Right,”Reaching for the door handle she stopped short realizing it waslocked. “Let me out.”

“This is amistake. Get out.” His voice was harsh and his face hard.Releasing the lock, he shoved open his door and by the time she’dscrambled out, he was there, standing in front of her.

“Let me by.”


“What are youdoing?” She whispered as he pressed even closer, trapping herbetween his hard lean body and the vehicle. The wind was whipping up,rustling the branches of the trees, but neither of them noticed it orfelt the icy fingers creeping through their clothing.

“Something Ihave no business doing.” His hands cupped her face, his greedyeyes roving over the curves of her cheeks, the moist shimmeringredness of her lips that was drawing him inexorably closer, pullingin him against his will. The attraction was so potent it was causinga tightness inside his chest.

He wanted her to pushhim away. He wanted her to vehemently deny him and tell him to go tohell. He’d never forced himself on a woman before and, nomatter what he was feeling now, that would never happen. His facehovered a fraction from her as he waited. Cursing, he seized her lipswith his, the kiss brutally punishing.

Chapter 7

For a fleetingmoment, Allison considered pushing him away, but the feel of his bodyagainst hers and his lips ravishing hers changed her mind.

Her arms came aroundhis neck as she angled her body closer to his. The overt response andfeel of his nipples burning a hole through his sweater, set off aclang of emotions that took him completely by surprise.

The wind was whippingat him, but he couldn’t feel it. All he felt was the incredibleheat and the madness overtaking him.

It had to be now, hethought hazily. Shifting her slightly, he fumbled for the handle ofthe back door and managed to get it open. Rational thinking haddisappeared and what was left was an insanity that was driving hismovements.

Without ending thekiss, he angled her onto the back seat until she was stretched outfull length with him falling on top of her. His hands wanderedrestlessly down her neck where his fingers curved around her softskin.

Angling her headupwards, he softened the kiss until she was melting in his arms.Never in his thirty-five years had he lost control this way. Wantingher was like a fever raging inside his body that would not stop.

Finally dragging hislips from hers, he kissed her cheek, before going to her throat, histeeth ravaging the skin and wringing cries from her. He tongued thehollow of her throat, dragging off her jacket and the fur-edged capeshe’d worn over the dress. In frustration, he dragged at thedress, popping the front clasp of her bra.

The space was tooconfined, but he didn’t care. He wanted to quench theincredible thirst enveloping his body. With a grunt, he cupped hergenerous breast, his head dipping to take the nipple into his mouth.

When he did, theyboth reacted violently. Allison felt as if she was bursting outsideher body and could barely contain herself. She grabbed his hair asher body arched towards his mouth.

Nash felt as if hewas going to explode. He suckled hungrily, the taste of her was soaddictive he knew he wouldn’t be satisfied. Reaching betweenthem, he fumbled to take out his swollen cock. Hiking up her dress,he shoved the sides of her panties in order to test her readiness forhim. His fingers touched the swollen flesh, before plunging into her.

The moistness againsthis skin sent the passion skyrocketing and had his body shuddering.Lifting his head, he stared at the parted lips and the glazed eyes.No words were said between them, no questions asked.

The time forrepercussions would be for later. Right now, if he didn’t haveher, he was going to go insane. Removing his fingers, he guidedhimself into her, teeth gritted as the tightness gripped him, pullinghim in and sheathing him completely.

Allison was so filledwith him that she was close to bursting. Her body arched, taking himdeeper inside her. They didn’t use protection but that was thelast thing on their minds. For a few seconds, they couldn’tmove.

Her arms came up andaround his neck, fingers digging into his skin. With a torturedgrowl, his face lowered to hers, breath fanning her lips and makingher feel faint.

He moved then, slowlyat first, with measured strokes as he took her lips in a kiss thathad the tears burning at the back of her eyes. Lifting her left leg,she bent at the knee to give them both more room to maneuver.

Nash picked up speed,the madness driving him to distraction as he thrust into her with aforce that shoved her up against the padding of the door. It wasn’tlong before her body convulsed, the climax crashing through her bodyand sending her spinning.

He followed rightbehind her and had to drag his lips from hers as his own powerfulclimax had him increasing the pace, until he was panting.

His heart wasthundering inside his chest, his fingers biting into her hips. He wasshocked at the uncontrolled passion and he was still shuddering, hisbody clammy with sweat and his heart racing as he slumped on top ofher.

Finally able togather himself, he felt when the reality returned with such a brutalforce that had him stumbling off her.

The common sense thathad been held at bay by the enormous passion was now back in fullforce and he had to turn away as he realized what he’d done.Turning his back to her and pacing a few feet away, he zipped up hispants and dragged out his phone.

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