Page 23 of Nash

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Page 23 of Nash

She nodded. "Youand I are alive for a reason." Her fingers tightened. "Theywere both taken together for a reason." Her eyes turned brightwith tears.

"I’llnever understand why the good Lord took my husband and son, butyou’re here and I want to say how proud I am of you." Herexpression became sober. "I want you to be happy, my dear. Iwant you to find the love of a good man and have children. Nothing isbetter than that.”

“Oh, mama."Allison felt like weeping, but somehow managed to hold back thetears. She wanted to tell her mother that she’d found love, butwas sure it would never be returned. Instead, she smiled and pattedher hand.


The Christmas partywas lively. Hillary had warned her that the company went all out toentertain their staff at the end of the year and she wasn’tkidding.

She hadn’texpected much of a bonus, considering she’d only been at thecompany for a one month, but the sizable check in the envelopeshocked her. It was enough for her to splurge on her Mom and it meantshe wasn’t fired. Or at least not yet.

The decorationsstarted from the large lobby where the tree hit you the moment youstepped through the automatic glass doors. At the reception area,tinsel, lights and colorful bulbs were on display.

Upstairs there weretrees in every conference room and inside the staff dining room aswell. In individual departments, the decorations were on display aswell. The only office devoid of anything to do with Christmas was theCEO's office.

"He isn’tinto Christmas." Hillary had told her.

He was at the staffparty and while the employees and even the managers of the differentdepartments were dressed in the holiday theme of red and green, hewas wearing dark blue tailored pants and a chunky sweater.

Allison had gone allout, buying a sparkly green dress with a matching cape, the longsleeves and collar covered with white fluffy wool.

Her hair was loosefor a change and she’d added a Santa's hat. Knee-high bootscompleted the look. She wore gold earrings with red and green stonesset in the piercing. She was determined to enjoy the party.

There was a hugeChristmas tree in one corner of the room with gaily-wrapped giftsnestled at the base of the tree. A live band had been hired and wasplaying Christmas songs, while the atmosphere in the room was one ofexcitement and joy.

She was introduced tovarious other staff members and soon found herself surrounded bypeople and having the time of her life.

Nash usually made anappearance and then be on his way to other engagements. He wasn’ta fan of this sort of thing, but he’d show his face and thenmake a brief speech, thanking the staff for their work throughout theyear and then he’d be gone.

This time, he foundhimself watching the woman who’d been on his mind every daysince that torrid kiss in his office. He’d avoided her sincethen, telling himself it was the best thing to do. He’d alsogone over to Miriam against his better judgment and had left withouttouching her.

Now, seeing her atthe party, he realized with a sense of desolation that he wanted her.He wanted to taste those nipples of hers and feast until he wassatisfied. Just a taste and perhaps he’d get her out of hissystem, but his common sense was telling him it was a bad idea.

It wouldn’t doto get involved with an employee, even if it was just for one night.He’d built his business through grit and determination and hadvowed never to lower his guard and dip his pen into the company'sink.

He had a variety ofwomen to choose from. There was no shortage of them. He had money nowand that currency opened a lot of doors.

He’d decided togive in and have dinner with the old man. That was going to take hismind off her. Afterwards, he promised to drop by and spend a littletime with Miriam. She was, after all, a friend and a very good one atthat.

“Wonderfulparty as usual, Nash.” The brash and cheerful voice of one ofhis board members intruded on his thoughts. “I’msurprised you’re hanging around this long.”

Forcing himself totear his gaze from her, he gave the portly man his attention. “I’mabout to leave.”

“Any specialplans for the week?” William Perry asked with a curious look onhis face. “I’ll be spending time with the children, goingoff to Miami to take in some of the warm weather. My bones aregetting too old for this type of cold.”

“I have a fewplans.” Nash said briefly.

The man grabbed aflute of champagne from the passing waiter and took a sip. “Ibet you do.” He nodded to the woman on the dance floor. “Thenewest employee seems to be a lovely addition and she knows her job.”

“She does.”He was trying not to look at her, but was unable to help himself. Hisjaw tightened as he stared at her. She’d finished dancing andwas sitting on one of the tables, one booted foot swinging as sheleaned against the guy she was dancing with to listen to what he waswhispering in her ear.

Whatever he said hadher laughing and even from across the room, he could see the whiteteeth flashing and the deep indentations of her dimples. Downing therest of the drink, he muttered an excuse and strode out of the room.

Heading to hisoffice, he went into the darkened room and stood looking out thewindow. The sky was a dark blue, studded with an impressive number ofstars. The moon was iridescent, casting a glow over the well-litbuildings.

He should be happy,he thought absently, shoving his hand the pocket of his dress pants.He’d worked his fingers to the bone to get where he was now. Hewas a very wealthy man and didn’t have to wonder where his nextmeal was coming from.

The building housinghis corporate office was his. He owned buildings all over the worldand had artwork that had been valued for over ten million dollars.

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