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“Do you knowhow?”
“I assure you Ido. Look-“ She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I havethis tendency of saying whatever is on my mind. I might haveoverstepped-“ Her voice trailed off when he raised hiseyebrows.
“I crossed theline.” She gritted. “I need this job. I’m not goingto go into my personal business, but I need the job and I’mdamn good at it. What I said to you in the conference room stillstands true. I might have been a little overzealous-“
“Is that whatyou’re calling it?”
“If you woulddo me the courtesy of hearing me out, I’d be really grateful.”She snapped, the hold she had on her temper disintegrating. “Ifyou’re going to fire me, then do so and let me get on with mylife.”
Closing her eyesbriefly, she realized she’d made things much worse.
“Look-“She stepped back with a gasp as he came forward.
“Were you goingto apologize again?” He was within a hairsbreadth of her andshe could see the fire in his eyes.
“No. I-“She stopped when he clamped his hands on her shoulders, fingersdigging into the material of her sweater. She hadn’t botheredto put her jacket back on and through the thin material, she couldfeel the heat of his body.
“Damn you.”He whispered hoarsely. “I should get rid of you.” Hishead swooped down and before she realized what was happening, hismouth was covering hers in a bruising kiss that took her breath away.His hands moved from her shoulders to the back of her neck in apunishing grip that brought her even closer.
Allison felt herknees buckling, her body vibrating as she opened her mouth to accepthis tongue. The minute his tongue touched hers, the passion explodedbetween them, roaring through them like a tornado, intent on sweepingeverything in its path.
As soon as he felther response, his lips softened, his mouth moving over hersrestlessly. His fingers pulled at the pins she had used to secure herhair gripping the thick locks in his fists.
Her breasts werepressed up against his chest, sending heat straight to his cock. Hernipples were like branding irons, searing into his chest. Her armscame up and around his neck, fingers tangling into the hairs at thenape of his neck.
Everything inside himwas screaming to stop, but he felt drunk on the passion. Nothing hadever felt this hot, this potent, and he could no longer deny the factthat he wanted her.
Kissing her wasn’tgoing to be enough. Suddenly realizing what he was about to do threwcold water on his desire and effectively doused the fire. Tearing hismouth from hers, he stared down into her dark brown eyes, beforepushing her away from him and stepping back.
His chest was heavingand his body clenched with a need that he couldn’t believe.Turning away from the alluring sight of her hair tumbling all aroundher face and the swollen wetness of her lips, he went behind his deskand shifted some folders there.
“Close the dooron your way out.” He said harshly.
“I don’tthink-“
His head snapped upas he scorched her with his amber gaze. “Get out of here. Now.”
Giving him a scathinglook, she turned and walked out.
Chapter 6
Pushing away from thedesk, he walked jerkily towards the cabinet to pour himself a stiffdrink of scotch. It took three tries for him to get his tremblingfingers to cooperate so that he could get the stopper out of thedecanter.
Taking the glass withhim, he walked blindly over to the window, a brooding expression onhis face. He could still feel her lips on his and didn’t haveto close his eyes to remember the taste of her tongue inside hismouth. It had been erotic as hell, the kiss that had branded his lipswith a passion that had shocked the hell out of him.
Taking a hurried sipof scotch had him choking, the liquor blazing a path down his throat.His hooded gaze took in the ominous gray clouds hanging low in thesky. He vaguely remembered the report had called for icy rain andfreezing temperatures.
His hands were stillshaking, the evidence of his arousal in the crotch of his denims. Theurge to take her on the steel gray carpet had been so overwhelming,he had no idea how he’d stopped himself.
Even now, the achingyearning to suckle at the nipples that had branded his chest wasmaking him hard. Swallowing the liquor, he rubbed a hand over theback of his neck, feeling the tense muscles there.
He’d spend thenight here or he could go and seek out Miriam and slake his thirst.Shaking his head, he abandoned that idea. He wasn’t going touse her; he respected her too much to do that.
Walking back to hisdesk, he sat down. He had to make a decision. He couldn’t fireher. Aside from inciting a lawsuit, she was damn good at her job andhe admired the fact she wasn’t afraid of him.
A slow smile touchedhis lips as he thought back to her comments. She had spunk, that muchhe realized. With a tortured groan, he downed the rest of the liquorand laid his head back against the back of the chair.