Page 19 of Nash
"I’m sureyou didn't." The smile was gone and the glacial look was back."I’ve refused to give interviews in the past because Iknow how the average mind thinks.
The avid curiosityabout me as a person isn’t because of some interest in whatmakes this company a success. Its just people being nosy and I’mnot about to give them the satisfaction of baring my soul to anyone."
"You don't haveto. I don’t agree with you it’s just people being nosy.You’ve built a conglomerate. You made yourself into arespectable businessman who fought to achieve something great.People, including myself, love a success story. With what's happeningaround the world and certainly in this country, people need to clingto hope."
He raised hiseyebrows. "You’re basing a hell of a lot on someinterview."
Settling back andrelaxing because of his milder tone, she turned to face him, unawarehow the thin sweater flattened against her chest, revealing theseductive curves of her breasts. “An interview where you talkabout your childhood. I know you went through- “
“You don’tknow a damn thing.” He snapped coldly. He was angry withhimself for his reaction to her voluptuous curves and the soft curveof her lips.
“I apologizefor the generic response to your – your – er hardship.”Her dark brown eyes were sober with sympathy. “I lost my fatherand brother-“
“We’renot here to rehash my past and I certainly don‘t want to hearabout yours.”
Her eyes snapped andflashed with temper as she stared at him. “Do you thrive onbeing despicable or does it come naturally?”
He glared at her,feeling the uncontrollable anger and something else pounding throughhis body. He was attracted to this woman who’d somehow managedto turn his insides into churning turmoil since the first moment theymet. It didn’t sit well with him that his body was yearning toignore common sense and haul her across the table into hisarms.
Pushing back his chair, he lunged to his feet and went topour some more coffee.
“Get out.”He said succinctly, his voice low and controlled.
“Get the hellout. I’ll deal with you later.”
Allison shoved backher chair and hurried from the room, her heart pounding inside herchest.
He stood where hewas, fighting for control. He should get rid of her. She wasirreverent, rude and getting under his skin, like no one had everdone before. He should fire her. He could come up with a reason to doso without a lawsuit against the company. He’d contact hislawyers-
He broke off with asigh as he stared into the coffee cup. Swiveling his head around atthe discreet knock, he made an effort to put a neutral expression onhis face as his assistant walked into the room.
“You have avery important call.”
“I’lltake it in here.” He told her brusquely as he went to sit atthe table.
She was shaking somuch she had to rush into the bathroom adjoining her office and closethe door. She knew her staff were waiting for her to brief them as towhat had transpired in the conference room and her unprofessionalbehavior. She’d crossed the line and knew it was going to costher job.
‘I’lldeal with you later.’ That was the dire warning that told herit wasn’t going to be a congratulatory pat on the back. Shecouldn’t afford to lose this job. Over the past three weeksshe’d grown to love the atmosphere and excitement of working ina huge environment like this.
The people assignedto her were amiable and showed no ill will towards her. She’dsettled in her role as a leader seamlessly and found a lot ofpleasure in researching the company and its various diversedivisions.
She didn’t wantto leave and even if she had to swallow her pride and throw herselfon his mercy (if he had any), she was going to do so.
Bracing her handsagainst the tiles, she stared at herself in the oval mirror. Her eyeswere wide and worried, that’s the only way she could put it.She couldn’t afford for them to see her this way. Leaning awayfrom the counter, she straightened her shoulders and took severaldeep breaths.
She’d go andget herself some coffee and get herself together.
“You’reour hero.” David, the youngest of the team, told her with agrin, as soon as they trooped inside her office ten minutes later.“No one has ever spoken to the big man like that before, notthat we know of.”
“Please, Ireally don’t want to talk about it.” She told him with awave of her hand.
“What happenedafter we were told to leave?” Maddie inquired as she cameforward and placed a file on the desk.