Page 50 of Twenty-Two Unforgettable Hours
I looked at my watch and was surprised that Niko was running late. Something must have come up because he hadn’t even called. My bikini had been tucked away in a drawer for ages and now that I had pulled it out it would be criminal to put it away again without it getting some use. If he didn’t show, then I was going to the beach for a swim.
Thankfully, I didn’t need to worry about it. I heard his SUV pull into the driveway and I went out to meet him. I gave him a wave as he parked in front of me. This time, I didn’t get in myself. I waited for him to come and open my door. I liked doing things for myself, but I noticed Niko liked doing things for me. The door was my compromise.
“You look nice,” he said as he held open the door for me. “Hope you remembered your swimsuit.”
“Thanks. I have my bikini on beneath my sundress. But I didn’t think wearing just that was appropriate. I assume we are going to the resort.” It was the only place that I knew of that had jet skis.
“You guessed right. I’m really looking forward to this. It’s been a long time since I’ve been on one.”
“I thought you did this all the time. Are they dangerous?” I asked.
“Not really. If you’d rather, we can share one, and you ride with me,” he offered.
I wasn’t afraid to ride alone, but the thought of wrapping my arms around him was very appealing. “I’d like that if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. Whatever you’re comfortable with.”
Oh, I'm very comfortable touching you.
“I can’t remember the last time I was in the water for fun. I used to go swimming all the time when I was young. My parents took me to the beach at least a couple of times a week. We’d go for a swim, then eat dinner on the beach and watch the sunset.”
“Why did you stop?” he asked.
“My father started to work for you. He didn’t have the time during the week and on the weekends, it was time for him with my mother.”Damn. I said I would not talk about the factory. “Enough about me. Tell me about you. What did you like to do with your parents?” I asked.
Was it my imagination or did his grip on the steering wheel just tighten?He hardly spoke about his past. Maybe it was because I did all the talking. I wasn’t going to monopolize the conversation today. I really wanted to know more about him.
“My childhood was nothing like yours. We didn’t go out and do things together.”
He responded, but barely. “Why?” I prodded.
“Your parents loved each other. Mine didn’t. That changes the dynamics of a family.”
“I can imagine. Guess that’s why you wanted to go to school away from home.”
“Exactly. There was nothing here for me. Nothing that I wanted to remember. Even now, I don’t like thinking about those days,” he said.
“Niko, you told me that you can’t ignore the past. I hope you know that you can tell me anything and I won’t judge you. Justlike I believe you haven’t judged me.” I meant it. I wanted him to trust me. His body language said he wasn't ready to.
To my surprise, he continued.
“I was born in a time when being Tabiqian wasn’t something to be proud of. My parents weren’t...good people. They did nothing to stop what was going on. They didn’t care about anyone else, just themselves. My father was killed before I left Tabiq.”
“And your mother?” I asked.
“The last day I spoke to her was when I was leaving. Would you like to know what her last words were to me?” he asked. I nodded. “She said, ‘If you have a brain in your head, you’ll never return to Tabiq’. Yet here I am.”
I reached over and placed my hand on his thigh. “Yes, here you are, trying to make a difference. I’m glad you didn’t listen to her. Tabiq needs more people like you.” I meant it.
He looked at me briefly, then said, “Thanks, but I’m far from perfect.”
“No one is perfect, Niko. All anyone can do is try. And I’ve been watching you. You are really trying. Everyone who works for you sees that.”
“Do you know that I have no idea which employee is married, has a family, or is struggling with things at home? I am trying, but I am failing. I can tell you what I pay each of them, and what they are responsible for. That's it.”
“You offered me a job as an employee relations person.”
“And you declined it,” he reminded me.