Page 45 of Twenty-Two Unforgettable Hours
I smiled. “Then I have the perfect thing for us to watch.”
“I hate to remind you, but you don’t have a television,” he said.
“One moment, please.” I got up and walked over to a table against the wall. I had placed a sheet on it. Tugging the sheet off I revealed a TV. “Ah. Look at what I have.”
“You got a TV just to show me things I can do with my employees?” I nodded. He got up and laughed.
As he walked over to me I said, “I don’t see what is as funny. I worked very hard in putting all of this together for you. I wanted to show you that I support all your efforts. I...I was just trying to help.” Somehow, I went from being excited to share it with him, to being embarrassed for presenting my idea.
“Ovi, I love it.”
“What? You love the idea?”
“Not sold completely on the idea, but I love how much effort you put into it. I see how passionate you are about the company and the employees. Your enthusiasm is contagious. I haven’t even seen what you put together for me to watch, but I know it will be great.”
“How?” I asked.
“Because everything you do, is. You’re amazing. I’m not sure what I would do without you,” he said.
Was he still talking about the factory? I didn’t want to ask. “We make a pretty good team, don’t we?” I said.
“That we do. And you made me realize what I am missing,” he stated.
My heart was pounding. His tone was so serious. Was he about to share his feelings and talk about where this, whatever it was, should go? Niko had already admitted that he cared for me. Had that progressed so quickly into something...more?
I wasn’t ready for that talk yet. I knew my feelings were growing, but wasn’t sure what they were yet. I needed more time to get to know him better. More time to find out if this was just lust or something more real.
What I wanted was what my parents had. I wasn’t sure I could have that with Niko. I didn’t even know if he planned on staying in Tabiq long-term. Had no idea if he wanted children or if he liked children. No. We couldn’t discuss our feelings yet.It’s too soon. Way too soon.
“How about we go and eat before the food gets cold, and after dinner, I can share more of my ideas with you?” I suggested.
“Although I’m sure whatever you have cooked is going to be delicious, I really would like to talk about this now if you don’t mind.”
Just another instance screaming out that Niko and I were not on the same page. But if he insisted, then I would hear him out. That didn’t mean I was going to open up in return.
Settling back against the couch I said, “Okay, you have my full attention.”
He smiled. “Good, because I can’t believe I’m about to say this.”Neither can I. “I need you. The factory needs you. How would you feel about adding to your job description and taking on employee relations too?”
“What?” All of this was about the factory? Not him. Not us? I was partially relieved. “Niko, I’m not sure what that role really is. It’s not something we have here. It is like a human resource position where I help them with their problems?”
He shook his head. “No. That is or was Trye’s job. Now it is mine until I find a replacement for your father. Employee relations act as the liaison between the employer and the employee. They are the ones who would plan the work-related functions. You know, bring fun into the company.”
It sounded great. But there was one problem. “Niko, I really appreciate your offer, but...but...”
“But you haven’t forgiven me for terminating your father,” he said flatly.
Guess there were two problems, not just one. “Do you recall asking me a couple of days ago what I wanted to do?”
“Well, I have been thinking about it, and...I am not sure what I want.” That was partly true. I might not know what I wanted, but I knew what I was looking for, wasn’t here. I couldn’texplain that to Niko, because it didn’t even make sense to me.I’m looking for something and I don’t know what it is. Sounds crazy even to me.I knew being in our family home all alone wasn’t how I wanted to spend the rest of my life. Maybe that was how my father was feeling and why he left. He said it was the memories, but maybe it was the fact that no more memories were going to be made anymore.When I do leave, I’m not doing it like my father. I’m going to have a plan. Just don’t know what that is yet.“Listening to you talk about leaving Tabiq and going to school in another country opened my eyes. You are different from most Tabiqian men because you experienced other things. I...I have not. All I know is what I could research on the internet or read in books. That is not the same.”
He looked down at me and asked, “You’re leaving? I mean, not just the company but Tabiq?”
Awesome. He bought my simple explanation. That was kind of funny because I hadn’t really made up my mind on what I wanted to do until that very moment. But I wasn’t on the run and needed to escape. I was free to come and go as I pleased. If I left in one month or one year, what did it matter? It wasn't going to affect anyone but me. “Yes. I will be leaving both.”Eventually.
“Wow. I wasn’t prepared for that. I mean, you put in so much effort, even in this presentation, that I were happy here.”