Page 41 of Twenty-Two Unforgettable Hours
“Yes. I am very lucky to have been born when I was.” She looked out the passenger window and said, “We should change the subject.”
That was the way things were dealt with in Tabiq. Avoidance. Not healthy. I heard there were programs now to help survivors and their loved ones deal with some of the tragic things that took place. I’d like Ovi to feel comfortable enough to talk to me about her fears and her experiences. Not that I could help, but having someone willing to listen could make a world of difference.I wish I had someone who I could be that honest with.
“If that is what you want to do, we can,” I replied.
She turned and looked at me. “What is the point in talking about the past? There is nothing we can do about it. It is what it is.”
“Yes. But in my travels, I have learned many things. One is that history can repeat itself if you choose to ignore it.”
I saw the fear take over and her hands clenched tightly. “You mean that one day if I had a daughter, she could face what women used to?”
Reaching over, I took her hand in mine and then pulled off the road. Once the vehicle was in park, I said, “Ovi, it’s not going to happen here again. People are not going to allow it. We are not the same Tabiq we were all those years ago.”
“But greed still exists,” she stated.
“It has since the beginning of time. But what is more powerful than that is love. It’s what made us survive through all of that abuse. It is what will prevent it from happening again. People who love Tabiq are in charge. President O’Connor would do anything to keep Tabiq on the path it is going now. We are becoming financially stable. Just look around and you will see that so much has changed.”
“But you said...”
“Yes. I know what I said. We just can’t forget why these changes took place. That doesn’t mean we should dwell on it. But it’s okay to remember.”
“I...guess you’re right. But we don’t have to talk about it tonight, do we?” she asked.
“No. Of course not. But anytime you want to talk to me about anything, I’m here for you. I’ll listen, and I won’t judge.” She arched a brown and I corrected myself. “I’lltrynot to judge. If I do start, I expect you to put me in my place. Deal?”
Ovi smiled. “It will give me great pleasure to do so.”
I laughed. “I believe I’ve experienced some of that already.”
“Maybe a little,” she grinned. “Now, let’s go eat before my stomach starts complaining.”
I didn’t release her hand as we drove to a restaurant in town. When I pulled up, she looked at me and asked, “Is this where we are going?”
“Yes, I hear the food is very good.”
“It is, but I’d prefer not to eat here if you don’t mind,” she said. “ reminds me of my father and mother. We used to come here to eat every Sunday before she got sick. Then food turned her stomach and there were very limited things she could eat. I haven’t been back here since.”
“I understand. How about we go to my place, and I’ll make us something,” I suggested.
“I don’t think that is a good idea, Niko. I’m sure you know why. It would be like playing with fire.”
And you’d be the one who gets burned.
“You are right. How about I grab us some food and we go and park someplace with a view of the ocean. Then we can eat while watching the sun set,” I suggested.
“I know just the place.”
I found another restaurant, grabbed a few items, and we were off again. She had me pull up to a place high on a hill. I remembered this spot well. Whenever I got the chance to go out, I came here. It was where I sat and dreamt about leaving Tabiq. She must’ve picked up on my thoughts because she reached over and took my hand in hers.
“You seem a million miles away.”
Should I open up to her? I knew she wanted me to. But what if she asked things I didn’t want to answer?I’ll change the subject. She does it to me all the time.
“I used to come here and dream about going to school in another country.”
“And did you? I mean your accent isn’t as strong as mine,” she said.
“Yes. I did. I left Tabiq two days after turning eighteen. And I only returned when I was twenty-five.”