Page 24 of Twenty-Two Unforgettable Hours
I don’t know why what she thought of me was important, but it was. Since she didn’t believe what Trye told her, I knew I had an uphill battle ahead of me.
When I left her office, I quickly sent her an email with assignments that should keep her busy for the rest of the day. Then I called Dean.
“Hi, are you still in Tabiq?” I asked.
“Did you change your mind and want to hear my pitch?”
I couldn’t contain my laughter. Not even if you paid me to. “If you can’t get your own family in on the deal, why would I want to?” I questioned.
“Good point. So, what can I do for you?”
“I know only guests are allowed to dine at the resort, but I am hoping you can make an exception,” I said.
“That can be arranged. When would you like to come?” he asked.
“How about six tonight? Can I have a table for two set up outside where we won’t be disturbed?”
“I know you’re not inviting me to dinner. Who is joining you?”
Dean was going to learn as soon as I showed up, so there was no point in hiding it. “Ovi.”
“Ovi Mayas. Hmm. You really like playing with fire, don’t you.”
“Don’t know what you mean,” I replied.
“You can’t date the daughter of the man you fired. When he finds out...”
“He knows,” I cut in, smugly.
“What? You’re joking, right?”
“No. He knows that he is terminated. And not only does he know that I’m taking Ovi out for dinner, but he also encouraged it.”
“Are you sure you didn’t hire him back?” he laughed.
“It struck me as odd as well,” I admitted. I needed to talk to Trye about this, but later. Right now, I want to focus on Ovi.
“Your table will be ready. Secluded. And... romantic,” he teased.
“I don’t believe I asked for all of that.” This was not a date.
“You’re welcome,” he chuckled and ended the call.
Romantic? That was not going to go over well with Ovi. She already questioned my intentions. I could text Dean telling him exactly what I wanted. But what the hell. She said tonight was going to determine it all, so might as well put it all out there.
Ovi already expected that tonight was going to be the last time we saw each other. Even if this pissed her off more, it wasn’tlike the outcome was going to be any different. Trye might have told her to give me a chance, but I saw it in her eyes, her mind was already made up. I’m an asshole. Might as well act as one then.
My computer announced that I received an email, and it was from Ovi. I didn’t really need any of these reports today, but I could use the distraction.
Looks like we both have something to keep us busy.
Several hours later, I headed back to her office. She was still keying away on the computer.
“Not finished yet. One more to go,” she said, not even looking up at me.
“It can wait until tomorrow,” I stated.
“Not sure I will be back so I might as well finish it now.”