Page 32 of Dating A Golden Goddess
"Well if we're going to get really technical, I've slept with your boss and your boss' boss, and probably a few Jinx clients," I said.
"And now I have to look them in the eye," he murmured, sitting down on his chair.
"It was just sex," I said. "It wasn't what we..." I trailed off. Maybe to him, what we were doing was just sex.
From the relief on his face, he didn't seem to think so. "I suppose this is no worse than what I overhear from Min's office."
I chuckled. "We're not the only ones putting Jinx HQ to good use, then?"
"I don't think what we did really counts," he countered. "Aine and Min on the other hand..."
"That bad?"
"All the time. They don't think anyone knows."
"But Aine is quite vocal," I finished. "And Min is a god who can make people magically orgasm."
Damien raised an eyebrow. "How can anyone compete with that?"
"Eh, it's not as good as the real thing," I assured him. "Several of the pleasure and sex gods can do it. Makes them lazy."
"I'll keep that in mind."
I made my way over to him and leaned over, my hair falling between us and creating an almost intimate space. "You have nothing to worry about," I assured him. "The physical side isn't the only thing I need to make it good. All the magical orgasms in the world can't compete with one from someone I feel more connected to."
He met my gaze and I could see how much my words had reassured him in his eyes.
"And just so we're completely clear, I'm talking about you. And I know it's early and that we're still getting to know each other, but I'm not really into dating multiple people at once. So if you want this to be just an us thing, I'm all in."
"I am too," he responded softly, reaching up to cup my cheek in his hand. "Even if your tortoises are tripping hazards."
I let out an amused laugh. "You get used to them."
"Good." He drew me to him and kissed me deeply, but not like he had before. This one wasn't a needy kiss, it was just a kiss that said how much he wanted this.
How much he wanted me.
* * *
It was amazing what a bit of set dressing could do to an event space, and that was especially true of the space in Jinx HQ. It made me glad that we were using this one instead of one of the bars we normally hired for events, it would give the auction a sense of gravitas that we wouldn't be able to achieve otherwise.
The big double doors swung open and Aphie swept into the room wearing a black dress that hugged her curves and revealed one of her tanned legs as she walked. Despite a lot of time spent together in the past few weeks, I still felt my mouth go dry at the sight.
How was this the woman I was going to go home with?
I made my way over to her, loving the moment her face lit up. "Is everything ready?" I asked.
"You know it is. Did you get the full roster of the items?"
"Here." I held out my clipboard to her. "And I'll have an earpiece directly transmitting the auction winner numbers to me, so I'll be able to note down the top bidder. That should help with some of the admin and in case there are any disputes."
"Let's hope not," she responded. "I'd feel a lot less nervous if this wasn't Jinx's first event like this. And I'm not even part of Jinx."
"It's still your event," I reminded her. "And it's fine, you know it'll all be okay in the end."