Page 29 of Dating A Golden Goddess
She chuckled. "All right, you have a deal. It would be good to have you at more events."
"I'm sure that can be arranged." Even if I was just likely to be hanging out with Damien at the bar when he wasn't needed. To be fair, that didn't sound bad at all.
"Great. I'll get everything for the auction emailed over to you this afternoon."
"Thanks. I'll let you know if I've got any questions." I got to my feet. "Good to do business with you, Aine."
"And you, Aphie."
I smiled and made my way over to the door, only pausing when I got there to ask the question I really wanted to know the answer to. "Do you know which Damien's office is?" I cursed myself for the phrasing. Of course she knew which his office was.
"Damien? As in my Events Manager?"
I nodded. "He helped me with the event at the Horus Sanctuary."
"Oh, yes, I forgot you worked together with him. I should put him on the auction event with you," she mused. "He said it went well."
"It did," I agreed. "And I'd like that, if it's okay with him," I said, not wanting to force him into spending more time with him if he didn't want that. I should definitely give him a heads-up about Aine asking him to work with me again so he's not taken by surprise. And make it clear that I'm okay with him saying no if he's uncomfortable about it.
"I'll float the idea past him," Aine said. "Turn left and then you want the fourth office."
"Thanks." I flashed her a smile.
She waved and I left her office with one destination in mind.
* * *
I knocked on the door that I was reasonably certain belonged to the office Aine had directed me to, suddenly nervous about the fact I was just arriving unannounced in the middle of the work day. I should have messaged ahead.
"Come in," Damien called.
I took a deep breath and pushed the door open.
He looked up, surprise flitting over his face only to be replaced by a genuine smile. "Hey, I didn't expect ever?"
"Aine asked me to come in for a meeting, I thought I'd come see you. But I should have messaged. I didn't think."
"It's fine, as you can see, I'm just doing boring paperwork." He gestured to the desk in front of him.
I made my way over to him and perched on the desk, leaning in so I could give him a very quick kiss, not wanting to linger longer given where we were, despite the fact there was a large part of me that wanted just that.
"I still should have messaged. I'll do that in future."
He turned in his chair, putting a hand on my leg where it met my skirt.
My breathing hitched, and his eyes darkened at the sound, the thoughts he'd been having previously clearly fleeing his mind.
He cleared his throat, but didn't pull away. "What did Aine want?"
"She wants me to run a charity auction."
"Are you the prize?" he asked.
"Funny, that was my response too."