Page 24 of Dating A Golden Goddess
"I just wanted to spend more time with you." I reached out and toyed with the collar of his shirt. "I don't actually mind how that time is spent."
"Is that so?"
"Oh yes." I trailed a hand down his chest, almost feeling bad that there was a shirt between me and his bare skin.
"You're very tempting," he murmured.
"That's because I've had a long time to work on my powers of seduction." My fingers found the bottom of his shirt. Keeping my gaze locked with him, I slipped my hand under and felt the warmth of his stomach underneath.
"I don't think you're supposed to tell me you're using them," he responded.
I tugged on his shirt and he lifted his arms to let me pull it over his head. "Why wouldn't I want you to know? If you know what I'm doing, you can make a choice about how you respond."
"I'm responding very favourably right now," he murmured, leaning in to press his lips against mine.
The kiss is sweeter than I anticipated, but there was a hint of need through the whole thing, an intensity that I hadn't felt with anyone in a very long time, if I'd felt it ever. My hands slid over the smooth expanse of his chest, and I found myself wishing that we weren't nearly as clothed as we were.
His thumb slipped under the hem of my jumper and I let out a small whimper as the sensation rushed through me and I found myself craving a lot more of his touch.
I broke the kiss but kept eye contact with him as I stripped my thin jumper over my head, leaving me standing there in my jeans and bra.
His gaze drank me in, heating me in every place he looked. It was magnetic and powerful, and everything I wanted.
I unbuttoned my jeans, shimmying them off and ending up laughing as my feet got tangled in them. "Sorry, jeans are not sexy to take off."
"Let me help." He gestured to the kitchen counter.
I hopped up, almost stumbling over my jeans as I did. Once I was there, he kneeled down in front of me, sending a jolt of desire straight through me. With a gentle touch, he pulled my jeans the rest of the way off and threw them to the side, but didn't move from where he was.
My breathing became more laboured, even though he wasn't touching me yet. Slowly, he leaned in and pressed a kiss against my ankle. A pleasant shiver ran through me as he travelled higher, his trail of kisses blazing a path across my skin and making me desperate for more. A small moan escaped me unbidden as he reached my inner thigh, his breath tickling my skin.
His gaze met mine and I nodded every so slightly at the question within them. I wanted this. Badly. He reached up to strip away my underwear, and I lifted my hips to help him. He tugged me closer to the edge of the counter and kneeled back between my legs.
My entire body tingled with anticipation as he reached my centre. My eyes fluttered closed and it became impossible for me to think of anything other than the way it felt for him to be touching me. It took surprisingly little time for my release to start building, the sensations getting more intense with each sweep of his tongue. Without meaning to, I reached out and tangled my hands in his hair, but didn't have enough thoughts to be able to do more than that.
The release ripped through me, making my entire body shake and noises I barely recognised to slip out of me. I leaned my head back, knocking it against the counter.
Damien was on his feet in seconds, a concerned expression on his face.
"I forgot the cupboard was there," I said, gesturing to it to the best of my ability, but the after-effects of the orgasm were still stopping me from fulling moving. "We should move to the island."
He chuckled. "Not the bed?"
"Too far away for now."
He laughed and helped me off the counter and onto the island. I pulled him to me and kissed him, trying to convey how much I wanted this even as I slipped my hand between us and started to unbuckle his belt.
He broke away and started peppering kisses down my neck. "Please tell me you have a condom in your kitchen."
A small laugh rumbled through me. "I do, actually."
He stood back and gave me a strange look. "That wasn't the answer I expected."
"First aid kit," I said by way of explanation. "It's in the top cupboard next to the cooker."
He gave me a strange expression and made his way over to it, pulling out the dark green box and extracting the condom.