Page 15 of Dating A Golden Goddess
It felt like such a mundane thing to do, but I was already looking forward to it.
"Right, that's enough of a break, we should get tidying so we can go and get food." She flashed me a smile and headed over to take down some of the display boards.
Despite knowing I should be tidying myself, I couldn't help but watch her for a moment. She was every bit the goddess of beauty and grace that legends had her as, but there was more than that. She was captivating in a way that had nothing to do with how she looked, or how perfect she was. It was about who she was, not what she was the goddess of.
And there was a large part of me that longed to find out more.
* * *
The taxi pulled to a stop and I pushed the button on my phone that would send the man payment.
"Thanks," I said, opening the door and swinging my legs around, being careful not to let my dress ride up and flash anyone by accident. It was always a little bit of a risk when it came to wearing something like this.
The car door on the other side slammed shut as Damien got out and made his way around.
"All right, where now?" he asked me.
"We go for gyros," I responded, gesturing to the shop right in front of us. The smell was already making my mouth water and I couldn't wait to get my hands on some of their chips.
"You were serious about that," he mused.
"Did you think I wasn't?"
"Yes and no. I guess it's just weird to be going to get street food while wearing a tux."
I laughed. "Trust me, that just makes it better." I headed inside the shop, the harsh lights making my eyes hurt for a moment as they adjusted from the darkness outside.
"Aphie! You brought a friend," the portly Greek man behind the counter said.
"Hi, Stef," I responded. "I did."
"You want your usual?" Stef asked, already grabbing a knife to carve the meat as if he didn't really need to know my answer.
I nodded. "What about you?" I asked Damien.
"Erm...what's good?" He looked over the menu, seeming more confused than anything.
"Everything is good!" Stef responded brightly. "I would recommend the chicken."
"Then that's what I'll get," Damien said.
The man behind the counter beamed and went about making our food.
Damien studied me with an intrigued expression on his face.
"What?" I asked quietly, leaning in so our conversation was kept to ourselves, which only brought me closer to him than I expected.
"Aphie?" He raised an eyebrow.
"It's what people call me. I introduced myself that way when we met."
"I guess it's hard to think that I should call you anything but Aphrodite."
I shrugged. "You can, if you want. It doesn't matter to me."