Page 13 of Dating A Golden Goddess
I turned to find Apollo leaning on a table with a glass of champagne in his hand. Great.
"It is," I responded through a tight smile.
"I was just telling Ra that you were probably the mastermind behind tonight." He reached out and tapped the tall god on his arm.
From Ra's expression, he was less than impressed by the situation, though I didn't think I'd seen him be impressed by much.
"I'm flattered you thought as much," I said. "Though it's not just me. The staff from Jinx have also made this happen."
"You had Jinx's help?" Apollo asked.
"I did. Aine leant me one of her Event Managers to deal with the catering. He's done an excellent job." It wasn't just that I wanted to give Damien the credit for what he'd done, but I was also keenly aware that Aine had done me a massive favour. One she'd probably want me to repay at some point, but that didn't mean I shouldn't give her credit where it was due.
"Have you been to many of her events yet?" Apollo asked his companion.
Ra grunted. "A few."
"I think I'm needed," I said, looking past them as if someone had called me. The last thing I wanted was to get myself stuck in a conversation between two sun gods. I wasn't sure what it was about them, but they always seemed to have egos that rivalled even mine, and that was saying something given how infamous my reputation had become.
The two of them barely paid me any attention as I slipped away and went back to mingling with the various guests, making sure to get myself some sparkling water from the bar at regular intervals, collapsing from dehydration wasn't something I intended to do tonight.
And now there were just a few hours left until I was going to be able to relax.
* * *
I dodged out of the way of a couple of drunk revellers being shown to their car by one of my staff members, being careful not to spill the drinks I was carrying. They were well deserved after the work we'd put into making the event a success.
Aphrodite stood speaking with a man I vaguely recognised and I tried my best to ignore the odd sensation of jealousy rearing its head within me at the sight. I had no reason to feel like that. There was nothing between us except a small amount of flirtation.
All thoughts vanished the moment she turned and spotted me, a genuine smile springing to her face, not like the one she'd been sporting for most of the night. If I had to guess, I'd say that was the smile she was used to giving people so they didn't think she was in the slightest bit bothered by what was going on around her.
"Are people still ordering drinks?" she asked.
"The bar closed an hour ago, these are for us." I held out a glass of white wine. "From Dionysus' vineyard, naturally."
She laughed, her whole face lighting up. "I do drink other things."
"I know. But this is the only thing I've actually heard you order, so I thought it was the safest."
"Thank you, I appreciate it." She took the glass from me, and I was a little disappointed to realise she was careful not to let our fingers touch this time. She stared at the glass for a moment. "I don't think anyone has ever brought me a drink at the end of the night before."
"Not in...however long you've been alive?"
"Are you asking a lady for her age?" She raised an eyebrow, but I could tell she was only teasing.
"Of course not, it's a mystery that I know I'll never learn the answer to."
She laughed, the sound ringing through the air in a way that reminded me of the goddess she was. "I'm glad you feel that way, because I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to."
"You don't know how old you are?"
"Not beyond a roundabout figure, no. It stops mattering at some point, especially when you look like this." She drew her hand down her body.
"Eternally twenty-five?"