Page 1 of Bear Single Dad's Reverse Harem
Chapter One
As a teacher, a school trip is definitely the thing both students and teachers look forward to because most of the time, it is a lot of fun. The students don’t try to make any trouble because they don’t want to revoke their privileges and then, you just have a wonderful time where nobody gets left behind. Being thirty-one years old, I have been on numerous field trips and I have enjoyed almost every single one of them. Unfortunately, I have dealt with some that I kind of wish to just forget because they sucked so much, but I don’t have any regrets about them. I kind of laughed when I realized how much kids hate getting in trouble when they know there is something good on the line. That’s why I continuously ask them if what they are doing in this moment is really worth it in the long run.
I’d like to think that I am one of the favorite teachers according to my students and what they have told. I would always wonder what it would be like to have children of my own but I pushed aside that possibility because I have never met someone that I truly liked and wanted to be with. Some people might call me selfish and whatnot, but it’s just how it is. I don’t like the people that I have met because no one has fit to my standards of what a relationship should look like. I always ended up getting my heart broken so there was really no point in even trying.
I know this made a few of my friends mad when they learned that I didn’t have the guts to accept a relationship the way that I am now but I had to make them understand. It’s not that I didn’t want a relationship, it was more so I couldn’t get one. It sucked, a lot, but it was just something that I had to deal with because I couldn’t change the fates of anything. I’ll just end up getting hurt if I allow that to happen. I know it might sound a bit ridiculous but this is the only way I know to keep my heart safe.
If I end up screwing something up, I’d probably live to regret it for the rest of my life. I don’t care what anyone has to say about it though because they are not the ones who end up having to deal with it. Until they put themselves in my shoes and see what I see, I don’t want to hear it. Once I explained this though, a lot of my friends became very understanding because they knew what it was like to be cast aside. I definitely know what it was like and I don’t like living that way. It just makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.
And since I’m a bear-shifter, I’m already seen as a threat. I really didn’t understand that because I have never done anything to truly warrant being treated like I’m such a suspicious character, but I know there is nothing that I can do to make it any better. I always end up just shaking my head when someone talks to me like I did something wrong. I know for a fact that I didn’t and I would hold my ground to that for as long as I live.
I might be a bear-shifter, but that doesn’t automatically mean I’m a bad guy. I don’t understand that reasoning but it’s also why I have failed at acquiring a mate. I roll my eyes every time that I think about that because there are worse creatures in the world who actually do treat their mates poorly and I don’t get it. I don’t know how someone could treat their mate like that but I’m just going to ignore it because I know that I’m not going to get roped into that when I haven’t done anything.
I shake my head as the students rush by me to see anything and everything. We’re at a museum this time, one about Greek Mythology, and it’s actually pretty interesting. There are a lot of interactive exhibits and you get to play like you are a Greek Warrior. I try to not think about it too much when I look around and see students bustling around me but then, I see them…
My heart starts to pound in my chest when I see a beautiful woman and a very handsome man walking throughout the exhibit dressed in Ancient Greek clothing. I’m sure my jaw is on the ground but I don’t even care at this point, just gazing at them like it’s the end of the world.
The woman is beautiful, smelling like a wolf all the way from over here. Her long, wavy blonde hair is in loose curls, flowing past her shoulders down to her waist. She’s only about five-five, with fair skin and a curvy body. She has delicate features, a softness to her that could draw anybody in. She glances over and I see that her eyes are a beautiful blue color that kind of reminds me of the ocean.
The male on the other hand is very intimidating, even I can see that. His curly black hair is a mess on the top of his head, and his grey eyes are cold and stormy. He has more angular features, towering over her at least by a foot, with tan skin and a muscular frame. He wears a tunic, showing off every inch of his muscular body. I would be jealous but we pretty much have the same physique.
He glances over and our eyes meet as well, the whole world practically going still. I feel it inside before it actually happens, feeling like I’d just gotten punched in the gut. I didn’t know what was happening right now and I almost couldn’t believe it. I’ve heard stories about it but I didn’t think it would happen to me. It’s kind of like a dream come true at this point because I never thought that it would happen to me but I guess there is a miracle for everything. It does worry me a little bit at the fact that everything could easily come crumbling down if I let it, but I’m just taking it one step at a time.
I just met my soulmates and I have no idea what to do about it…
And it looks like they are heading straight towards me.
Chapter Two
I’m staring at the handsome man from across the room, feeling like my heart is pounding out of my chest at this point. I totally thought that Declan would be my only mate, my jaw almost on the ground at this point because we are both wolf-shifters and I see that our new mate is a bear-shifter. He’s huge, maybe even bigger than Declan, with short brown hair and light grey eyes, a bit lighter than Declan’s. His arms are folded across his chest as he watches the kids run by, making me wonder for a moment if any of them are his kids or if he is a teacher or something. Declan noticed the bond snapping into place but he didn’t look happy at all.
“Why this?” He grumbles, making me look up at him, raising an eyebrow, “we were just fine without another mate in our life. Why did the Goddess have to do this to us? I didn’t want another mate.”
“You and I have talked numerous times about bringing a partner into our relationship.” I disagree with him, raising an eyebrow because I have no idea what his problem is at this point, “if you changed your mind about it, that’s fine, but don’t sit there and lie to me about it when I know that’s what you did. Hell, you were the one insisting about it because you wanted to know what it would be like.”
He huffs, rolling his eyes, “yeah, you’re right. I do hate to admit that but you’ve driven me crazy enough. I’m sorry that me changing my mind about a situation is such a bad thing. I didn’t think the Goddess would be crazy enough to pair us with a ‘bear’.”
“He looks cute.” I murmur, letting my eyes look him up and down, seeing how he glances away shyly, “and I think that he has noticed us himself. Wouldn’t it be a shame to just let this opportunity run away from us when we just have a hold of him? I don’t know about you but I’m actually a little bit eager to see where things go between us.”
“I’m not eager but whatever floats your boat, Sophia.” Declan grumbles, looking really annoyed at this point, “I guess we should go and introduce ourselves to him. I guess worst case scenario is that he actually is taken and we make a fool of ourselves. I wouldn’t get your hopes up until he is actually in our arms, okay?”
I nod slowly because I’m not dumb, “I know! I’m not going to get too excited or crazy until he fully accepts us. I just think it is a little crazy that we actually have him. It’s like the Goddess was answering our wishes or something. He’s really cute as well so I think that we scored.”
I didn’t think I was releasing my pheromones so quickly but Declan wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me close, “I know you’re excited but keep your pheromones under control. I don’t need to be explaining anything to anyone about why in the world you’re releasing off those kind of pheromones that make you look like you’re in heat.”
I just glared at him because he should know that I couldn’t help myself, “sorry, I didn’t even realize that I was doing it. You do know how that happens right? I don’t know why I need to even explain that to you.”
“Maybe because my MATE is lusting after someone who isn’t me!” He grumbles at me, looking away, “like I’m not good enough for her.”
My stomach sinks at this point because I had no idea that he felt that way, “I’m so sorry, Declan. I wasn’t even taking your feelings into consideration. I was just really excited at the idea of having another mate that I didn’t even think about how you might be feeling in this situation. Can you forgive me?”
I wouldn’t have blamed him if he said no because he deserved to be able to voice his opinions, but he just slowly nods, “yes, I can forgive you because I let you think this way. I guess I didn’t actually think that we would meet someone else. It’s kind of like a punch to the gut honestly because I hate that you didn’t just tell me the truth about how you were feeling.”
He shrugs as if it didn’t matter, “yeah, I know, but I doubt you would have changed your mind even if I did tell you that I wasn’t comfortable with a situation. We both know this as well.”