Page 15 of Savage Bear's Wild Seduction
“Like, their leader?”
“Sort of. It’s not quite the same as an alpha wolf or tiger. There are no administrative or executive powers or authority. I don’t create policies and enforce laws. I’m more of an arbitrator than a leader. When they have a dispute, they come to me, and I make a judgment.”
“What if they don’t want to follow your judgment?”
“That never happens,” I reply. “Bear society is very loose and free, and the only way that works is if people adhere to the few rules we do have. When an Alpha makes a ruling, bears follow it regardless of the personal cost because we’re really only one step away from anarchy, and if the one rule we do have isn’t followed, then things could quickly go south.”
“You mean like fighting?”
I nod. “We might never descend into war. We like being alone too much. But the stronger among us could start taking from the weak, and that’s dangerous.”
She nods. “But what happens if there is conflict?”
“I’m not sure,” I admit. “I haven’t seen any conflict escalate to the point of violence in my life. Why are you so concerned?”
She thinks a moment and says, “I don’t know if I’m concerned. I just… I don’t understand it.” She reddens slightly with embarrassment. “I don’t know can get along so well without something in place to make sure they get along.”
I smile at her. “Would you like to see how things work with bears?”
She grins and nods happily.
“Come with me, then.”
I start leading her back to the cabin, but she hesitates. “The other bears won’t mind?”
I shake my head. “No. We don’t take these kind of things that seriously.”
She looks at me, nonplussed. “I don’t understand you at all, Russel.”
I laugh, and take her hand, leading her inside the cabin.
Chapter Seven
When we step into the cabin, four men stand waiting. They are all large men. They are all attractive and muscular as well. Russel is more attractive, and I mean that objectively. His features are more handsome and there is more powerful fire in his eyes, if that makes any sense. He’s bigger and more muscular, too. I wonder if his bear form is similarly larger. The four of them were giant bears. The idea that he might be even bigger is hard for me to wrap my head around. Hell, he’d be bigger than a polar bear if he was any bigger than these bears.
I know this is fucking stupid but I kind of feel irritated that when they turned from bears into men, I didn’t pay attention to the size of their penises even though they were naked. I mean, I’m only interested to see if Russel exceeds them in that department as well, not for any other reason.
That’s pretty damned silly too. I mean, who cares how big his penis is compared to anyone else. If I’m happy with it, what does it matter if someone else has a bigger one.
I suppose I just want to think about how much bigger and more impressive he is. Maybe it’s stupid of me, but I like the idea of thinking about how much bigger and better he is than other man.
Why the hell doesn’t this freak me out to no end? How in the world can I possibly be so calm about this. I mean, this doesn’t make any sense at all. Something impossible is happening and I’m just sliding into this new reality as though it’s no problem at all. I’m sliding into this like it’s nothing special or strange but instead is simply a normal matter of course.
I think back to his words, that we’re meant to be together. I dismiss them as something sweet but cheesy that people say to girls they like. Now I take them seriously and wonder if there’s some actual fate or prophecy at work. It seems absurd to think that, but hell, bear shifters exist, and apparently a bunch of other animal shifters exist too. Maybe there really is some kind of predestination at work here.
The largest of the four visiting bears step forward. There’s no ceremony, no preamble, no thanking Russel for seeing them. He just gets right to the point.
“Old Man Mitchell died.”
I see Russel’s eyes widen slightly and take it that this is important news.
“I see,” he says, “and what have his heirs decided to do with the land?”
“They’ve already done it,” the other bear says. “Jacob learned this morning that his grandson has sold the land to a development company based in Delaware.”
“Delaware? What does a Delaware company want to do with us?”