Page 6 of Salvatore
“Feel free to come and hold my dick while I take a piss,tesoro.”
My cheeks flush bright red and I glare at him. I don’t blush easily but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to ignore my attraction to this asshole. I hate how he makes me feel like a nerdy high school girl with a crush on the captain of the football team.
“Fine, go it alone. Don’t bother yelling for help if you fall over on the way,” I snap back, angry that he’s embarrassed me so easily. Needing a distraction, I pick up my book and pretend to read.
“Interesting choice,” he says, taking note of the cover.Fuck my life. It’s a mafia romance, a really filthy one where the heroine gets railed in every chapter. Cara lent it to me, promising I’d enjoy it.
“It’s great, you can borrow it if you like.” I throw him a breezy smile and return to my book. Maybe reading about hotsex will take my mind off the hot, sexy man in my apartment. He’s out of my league and the sooner he leaves, the better.
Cooking is my go-to activity when I’m stressed, but currently, the refrigerator is empty. My book got tossed aside five minutes after Salvatore disappeared into the bathroom. It turns out that reading about a hot mafia guy having hot sex is a seriously bad idea. It just reminded me I haven’t had hot sex in, like, forever. So I diverted into the kitchen, hoping that food would distract me. Only I forgot there is none.
I’m standing there, gazing at the pathetically empty shelves of my sad fridge when Salvatore walks back into the room. Stupidly, I turn around to check he’s still OK.
Big mistake.
The man is shirtless, his hair damp from the shower, which he apparently decided to take while I was zoning out on an XXX-rated, deeply lascivious daydream. All his glorious muscles, tattoos, and olive skin are on show. There is a light sprinkling of black hair across his chest that disappears below his belt. For a moment, my heart stops and my brain short circuits as I imagine tracing that happy trail with the tips of my fingers.
I’ve already had the pleasure of admiring his muscular torso from when I cut away his jacket and shirt, but this is different. Now he’s conscious and aware as opposed to half-dead.Tooaware. I can tell he’s feeling a bit better by the way he smirks at my blatant ogling.
“See something you like,tesoro?”
“Nope. Not my type. I don’t do blood-thirsty gangsters,” I retort, quickly wiping my hand across my mouth just in case I am drooling unbecomingly. I’m fully aware I’m blushingagain.If I had any common sense, I’d run away at a thousand miles an hour, screaming at the top of my lungs. This man killed a guy in front of me. He’s a murderer.
This is what I tell myself, but my horny pussy dismisses the threat and reassures me that bad boys are crazy hot in the sack; I just need to get with the program and instant sexual satisfaction is in my immediate future.
“You shouldn’t get your arm wet,” I remind him, looking at the floral bandage around his arm.
“It’s fine. I managed to shower with one arm out of the shower. The bandage needs changing anyway.”
I sigh dramatically. “I guess that’s another sheet ruined. I only have one left now. Sorry, but I’m not cutting up my PJs for more bandages.”
“Maybe you should try sleeping naked instead?”
God, this man is annoying! Why does he twist every conversation we have into something rude?! I decide it’s best to ignore his blatant flirting.
“Are you hungry?” I am, even if he’s not.
“Yeah. What have you got?” He peers inside the fridge and scowls. “What the fuck do you live on?”
“I’m a bit broke right now and I forgot to go shopping yesterday.” I’m not sure why I feel the need to explain my shitty life to him, but whatever. “I also lost all my tips last night because some assholes decided to shoot up the restaurant where I was temping.”
He has the decency to look slightly chagrined about that. “I’ll reimburse you once I get out of here. In the meantime, we need food. Do you haveanythingedible in this flat?”
I open a cupboard and scan the contents. There’s a tin of tomatoes. Some rice. A sprouty onion. Plus a few random spice jars. Such is my life.
He frowns but apparently decides all is not lost. “I suppose we can do something with that.”
Chapter Seven
Thalia curls up in the armchair after we’ve eaten the rice and tomato concoction I had her make. The addition of some spice helped turn what was a bland meal into an edible one. If I wasn’t so paranoid about Declan tracking me down to her apartment while I have hardly any ammo left and an injury, I’d have instructed her to order pizza, but it’s not worth the risk.
Her hair is damp from the shower and she’s wearing a pair of thin cotton shorts with a loose tee-shirt. There’s a Disney cartoon character on the front of it. I’ve spent the last ten minutes wondering if she’s wearing a bra and hoping she’s not.
My arm fucking hurts, but I know the pain is temporary. All I can do is rest for the next couple of days while my body recovers from the blood loss. The fact I’m with Thalia makes it less of a chore, although I’d pay good money to have someone throw this sofa in a dumpster. I’m not sure my lower back will ever recover.