Page 17 of Salvatore
“Sure thing. Are you on your way back?”
“Yeah, and tell Dad Thalia is with me so he better get over himself.”
Romano laughs. “You can tell him that yourself,cugino.”
I hang up and turn my attention back to Thalia. “Now where were we?”
She smiles and steps back into my arms. “You were about to fuck me,” she says, sliding her small hand inside my sweatpants.
“Not here,” I say reluctantly. “But we can continue this back at my apartment.”
I need to talk to my father as well as interrogate Anton, but all that can wait.
Thalia is more important.
And what my girl wants, she gets.
Because she’s worth it.
Thalia - one year later
The ring Salvatore placed on my finger an hour ago sparkles in the sunlight. He chose a simple platinum band embedded with small diamonds. Nowhere near as flashy as the pink diamond engagement ring he surprised me with six months ago, but just as pretty.
The day has been perfect. We kept the ceremony small and intimate, with only close friends and family invited, but tonight’s party promises to be a total rager. Salvatore didn’t exactly describe it in those words, but he told me mafia weddings are a big thing and everyone will expect the wine to flow freely.
Members of the ‘family’ have traveled from as far afield as Italy. His grandma is even scarier than mine, which is saying something. I legit peed my panties when she stared at me with unblinking black eyes, then muttered something in Italian and crossed herself. After she shuffled away, I asked Salvatore if she’d placed a curse on me and he howled with laughter.
“No, amore mio, she’s blessing our union.”
“I thought the priest did that?”
“He did, but Nonna Faugno is a lot scarier, so I reckon God is more likely to listen to her.”
He’s right. The woman is scary as fuck.
Cara bounces over to me, her lilac-tipped raven hair hanging in a thick curtain down her back. My best friend is usually decked out fifty shades of black, but today, she’s conceded to the wedding theme and is wearing a pink tutu and diamante corset. She looks cute as fuck and I love her happy little face. Even though she flatly refused to remove the lip ring and Salvatore’s grandmother looked like she wanted to paint a red letter on her forehead when they met.
“Having fun?” I ask.
“Oh yes!” She raises a glass of what looks like tequila at me and grins gleefully.“I had no idea mafia guys were so hot.”
“Cara!” I hiss.“We don’t mention the M word here!”
“Oops, sorry.” She mimes zipping her lips and then giggles again. I already regret telling her about Salvatore’s family. If she doesn’t shut up, Aroldo will probably put a hit on her. And then I’ll have to kill him. Nobody wants that kind of mess on their wedding day. Too much blood and carnage would ruin the Disney vibe I have going on.
We both look up to see Christiano heading in our direction. Cara brightens noticeably and I sigh again. Salvatore’s cousin is a bit of a ladies’ man. Not a complete manwhore like Romano, but close.
Cara bites her lip and twirls her hair, which tells me she’s smitten. My gaze flicks from her to him and the way Christiano eye-fucks her boobs as he gets closer confirms what I suspected earlier: these two have a mutual crush.
Before he reaches us, I dash over and draw him to one side.“She’s my best friend,” I warn him.“If you hurt her, I will disembowel you with a blunt spoon and then strangle you with your intestines.”
He swallows hard.“Wow…that’s scarily specific. I can see you and Salvo will be very happy together!”Cara watches our interaction curiously so I smile sweetly and then add,“Capisci?”
Salvatore has been teaching me Italian, mostly curse words and how to say ‘I love your massive cock’, but I have picked up a few basic phrases here and there.
“I like Cara, she’s cute and wickedly funny, so no, I don’t have plans to hurt her.” Strangely, I believe him.