Page 24 of Agony
With that, I ended the call. Shaw had the information he needed, and I didn’t need to remain on the phone longer than necessary, especially since it emitted a soft glow.
“Tracks stop at the creek!” the man called out behind him. “And I’m not crossing the fucking creek to see where he went.”
“Not likely we’d find him now anyway,” another man said. “Let’s go. He’s injured, at least.”
Fuck, I didn’t even know if I was. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins. I couldn’t feel shit. I was barely feeling the cold of the creek anymore.
I didn’t move, even after I heard them drive away since I didn’t know if they were smart enough to leave a man behind to see if I would come back to the wreck.
If they did, joke was on them. I wasn’t that fucking stupid.
The sound of bikes reached my ears. I stood and gripped the top of my jeans to hold them up since the water soaked into them made them heavy and dragged them down. Shaw’s familiar formrushed down the hill, and he cursed at the sight of my truck. “Agony?” he called, his voice barely carrying over to me.
I made my way out of the bushes, the adrenaline beginning to ease from my body. Now, I was beginning to feel how cold I was, and I had to clench my jaw to keep my teeth from chattering.
“Fucking hell, brother,” he muttered as I emerged into the little bit of moonlight shining through the canopy of trees overhead. “Get out of the water. You’re going to be lucky if you’re not sick as hell come morning.”
“Can’t track me through the water,” I told him as I made my way back across the creek, hating that my teeth immediately began to chatter when I unclenched them. He grabbed my arms and helped me onto the bank. My boots were heavy as fuck, and I leaned down to take them off, my socks sinking into the mud at the edge of the water.
“Konrad brought his truck,” he told me. “Come on. Arlo knows how to work your tow truck, right?”
“Uh-huh,” I mumbled, shaking so badly now, I could barely talk.
“Arlo,” Shaw called as we made our way up the embankment. “You and Cam head to the shop. Get the tow truck and come pick his truck up. I don’t want it here for police to find.”
“Got it,” Arlo said, nodding his head. He and Cameron got back on their bikes and hooked a U-turn, heading toward my shop.
Konrad stomped over, his expression stony. “Ace is flipping his shit,” he growled.
“Where is he?” I rumbled.
“At the clubhouse. Blakely begged him to stay behind when she heard something happened to you.” I sighed as I eased into the passenger seat of his truck. Blakely was going to be slowly losing her shit, too. I just fucking knew it. Konrad slammed the door shut behind me and jogged around the front.
“Why did he stay?” Ace didn’t do shit if he didn’t want to.
“Because your girl is a fuckin’ mess, brother,” he growled. I clenched my jaw again, trying to stop my teeth from chattering so loudly. “She burst into tears the moment Shaw told us something happened.” He turned up the heat, and it blasted over my skin, quickly working on heating me up. “You’re bleeding.”
I looked down. My hands were cut up, bleeding all over my wet jeans, and my shirt was soaked through with blood. I lifted the fabric, cringing at the state of my side. I’d sliced it when climbing out the window, more than likely.
“Nothing stitches won’t fix,” I muttered, leaning my head on his window.
“Know who did it?” Konrad asked as he followed Shaw back to the clubhouse.
I shook my head. “Nope. But whoever it was, they wanted to shut me up.”
Konrad tightened his grip on the steering wheel.
“What the fuck?!”Ace exploded when I walked into the clubhouse. Blakely rushed over to me and grabbed both of myupper arms, leading me to a chair. Shaw slapped a first aid kit on the table as I tugged my shirt over my head.
“I can stitch him,” Blakely told Shaw when he began setting out everything he needed.
“Blakely—” I rumbled.
She shot her stormy, red-rimmed eyes to mine and sniffled. My soul raged for what those bastards had made her go through.
“I just sat here for what feels like forever wondering if you were going to be alive or dead when they brought you back to this clubhouse,” she croaked, raw sadness and fear clinging to her words. My heart clenched in my chest. I hadn’t ever meant to put her through this. “Ineedto take care of you, Jax. Let me.”
I nodded and stroked my bloody hand over her cheek, smearing her skin with red. She didn’t pay it any mind and instead focused on disinfecting my side and my hands before taking the ready needle from Shaw.