Page 19 of Agony
Shaw rolled his shoulders, his t-shirt pulling tight as he did so. “Maybe I should kick both of your asses.”
I smirked. “Let’s go then.” I could use a good fight. And while Shaw had military training, I had the streets. Didn’t matter who I was fighting; I fought dirty.
Shaw looked at Konrad, ignoring me. “He called Rico.”
Konrad sighed. “I heard.” He looked at me. “Just be careful, you hear?”
I nodded once at him and turned for the office door. The VP was on my side; that was enough for me.
“What the fuck, Konrad?!” Shaw barked. “You’re supposed to be onmyside.”
“Jax knows what he’s doing,” I heard Konrad tell him as I walked down the hall, heading to the kitchen to grab Blakely’s beer. “Trust him.”
Rico was waitingfor me when I pulled up to the river. It was just a spot beside a bridge. There wasn’t a boat ramp—just a steep drop-off into the fast-flowing river, which was roaring as it rushed past fallen trees and sitting debris.
“What’s going on?” he asked me as I made my way over to him.
“I need you to gather some info for me,” I told him as we both stood on the edge of the drop-off, staring down into the dark water. Couldn’t see a fucking thing out there. Even the moon had gone into hiding, providing us with the cover of darkness.
“What info?” Rico asked, his voice barely carrying to me over the roar of the river even though I was standing right beside him.
“There’s a sex trafficking ring happening locally,” I told him. “You know of it?”
He nodded. “I know of it. Had an asshole approach me to provide protection for the shipment of the girls. He ended up with a bullet between his eyes.” He looked over at me. “If you’re trying to get in on that shit, you’re going to suffer the same fate,” he warned me.
I shook my head. “The Pakhan’s daughter was kidnapped and sold. I rescued her, but now the Bratva have roped the club into bringing an end to the ring. I need to know who the major players are.”
Rico shook his head, his shoulders rising and falling with a heavy sigh. “Lot of big fucking players, which is why I haven’t done anything. They’re well hidden, but I know they’re politicians. Some local and federal law enforcement, too.”
I cursed. I fucking knew it. We all knew it, but I had been hoping it wouldn’t be that bad.
“You got names?”
Rico shook his head. “No names. Like I said—well hidden. This isn’t run by amateurs. Wasn’t started by amateurs either. They flew under my radar for five fucking years.”
I grimaced. Rico ran a fucking criminal empire—his dealings were nationwide. He had his fingers dug into numerous pies. Usually, nothing happened without him knowing about it.
Chills ran down my spine at the thought of what we might be dealing with.
“You know where they’re taking the girls?”
Rico shook his head. “No, but I’ll have my men put their ears to the ground, and when I know something, I’ll let you know.” He turned to face me. “If you’re trying to take this shit down, I’ll consider that payment. Even if you fail, we’re even. Yeah?”
When he held his hand out, I shook it. He stepped back. “I’ll be in touch.”
Jax leaned against the counter, watching as I cracked numerous eggs into a big bowl to turn into scrambled eggs. Bacon was already frying in the biggest frying pan I could find. All the men had been armed with coffee to help them wake up.
I was getting used to living here, surprisingly. And I…liked it. I liked taking care of all of them so they could focus on things that needed their attention more.
Like rescuing those young girls and those women.
“I didn’t move you in here to take care of everyone,” Jax finally grunted, being his usual grumpy self.