Page 15 of Agony
“Agony…” Shaw said, standing from his crouched position. “let me make the call.”
I shook my head. “If this backfires, let it be on me,” I told him. “I brought her here.”
Walking over to Amaliya, I handed her my phone. She put the numbers in and handed it back. Sighing, I hit the call button just as Blakely came out of the kitchen with some broth and crackers. My lips tilted up the slightest bit with a smile. Blakely was definitely a caretaker, and she wasn’t afraid to make herself at home either.
“Here,” Blakely told Amaliya softly. “Maybe some food will help.”
“Thank you,” Amaliya whispered, taking the broth and crackers from her.
Breathing met my ears when the other line picked up. I sighed. Had I really expected someone with this much power to greet me like a normal person?
“My name is Agony,” I started, using my club name for protection, “I found your daughter.”
Istepped outside, watching as Cameron opened the gates for the Pakhan and his entourage to ride through. Once they parked, three men got out of the first vehicle, all armed with automatic rifles strapped across their chests. Three more men got out of the last car, also heavily armed. Two men then got out of the middle car, and one opened the back door.
A shiny loafer appeared, stepping carefully onto the gravel lot. The Pakhan stepped around the open car door, looking every bit as powerful as rumors led me to believe he was. He adjusted his suit jacket before looking between me and Shaw, who was standing beside me. “Which one of you is Agony?” he asked, walking closer to us.
“Me,” I said gruffly, stepping forward.
His fist clocked me across the face. My teeth cut into the soft flesh on the inside of my mouth, and blood welled. I spit it outjust as Shaw gripped my arm, yanking me back so I couldn’t retaliate like I so badly wanted to.
“What the fuck?!” Blakely exploded, stepping between us. Reaching behind her, she pressed her hand to my stomach, glaring at the Pakhan as if he couldn’t end her life with a mere flick of his finger. I gripped her upper arm, trying to pull her back, but she fought against me, her gaze never wavering from the man in front of her.
“Blakely,” I growled.
“No,” she snapped. “You helped his daughter and risked your life and your freedom to save her, yet he’s got the audacity to punch you in the face.”
“I punched him, little girl,” The Pakhan said in a thick, Russian accent, “because your man hung up on me before I could ask how she was.”
“You talk too much,” I growled at him. “I gave you the necessary information. You’re more than welcome to grab your daughter and get the fuck out of here.”
“Agony!” Shaw barked at me. I glared at him. “Shut your fucking mouth.” He stepped forward and held his hand out to the Pakhan. “My name is FAME. I’m the president. Welcome.”
The Pakhan eyed Shaw’s cut before shaking his hand. “Anatoly Balakin,” he introduced himself. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to check on my daughter now, and then, I believe we have business to discuss.”
What fucking business? I wanted him to grab his daughter and bounce.
Konrad and Shaw exchanged a silent look, communicating in that weird way they’d learned to do in the years they spent together in the military. Konrad finally nodded, and Shaw led Anatoly into the clubhouse. I gripped Blakely’s arm, glaring down at her.
“Donotfuckingeverstep into club business again, you hear me?”
She jutted her chin out, a defiant gleam lighting up her eyes. My cock hardened. Fuck, I loved her fire as much as I loved her obedience and need to please me. It was a hellish combination. “I’ll stay out of your club business, Jax, but Iwon’tstand aside when some asshole treats you like shit when youhelpedthem.”
“You could’ve gotten killed,” I growled at her.
She stepped closer to me, a sweet smile tilting her lips. “As if you’d ever let someone hurt me.”
I sighed and wrapped my arms around her, tugging her into my arms, the fight dying out of me. She had to be a witch—fuckingsomething. Because the way she calmed me so easily, settled me so quickly, was pure witchcraft.
She relaxed against me, her head resting on my chest. I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I need you to occupy yourself for a little while. I have a feeling I’m going to be busy.”
She nodded. “Okay.” And it was as simple as that.
Blakely was going to make the perfect old lady. I knew it with every fiber of my being.