Page 52 of Knot Your Ex
Her whole face transformed, turning the look of worry into a bright smile. She was moving before she even realized it. Her steps faltered just within reach, my hands already hovering over her hips, itching to pull her close.
But I needed her to choose this. All of it.
Tori studied me for a second, gauging my reaction, before giving in. She took those final steps and I finally let myself touch her.
My fingers wrapped around her slender hips and I tugged her close, pressing my lips to hers.
She tasted so sweet and her sigh of relief was even more so. Having her hands on my chest and the scent of her enveloping me was intoxicating.
The kiss was slow, purposeful, and explorative, a testing of boundaries. It was so many things all rolled into one, and I sank into every single one, just living in the moment and breathing in my mate–the mate that I thought had walked away from me forever. The one who’d always had my heart from that very first moment I watched her smile at me.
Now she was in my arms, and I almost couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to do anything to ruin the moment or have her pull away from me again.
She slowed down the kiss, as if she understood where my head was.
“I promise not to run away again,” she said, resting her forehead against mine as we tried to catch our breath. “It wasn’t fair of me, and you deserve better than that. I’m so sorry.”
It’s okaywas on the tip of my tongue. But there was no way I could say the words and mean them. Instead, I simply said the words we both needed to hear.
“I forgive you. I want this, I promise,” I said before pulling her back down gently for a kiss.
Her cheeks were flushed, her lips puffy from our kissing, and she was biting back a smile as she stepped away.
Then she held a hand out for me. I didn’t even need to know where she was taking me, it didn’t matter. I’d follow this Omega anywhere.
“Where are we going?” I asked Shaye as I stumbled behind her and Lake. “I’m not really one for hiking. I’m not even surprised Micah skipped out on me. Brat.”
I started to trip but Easton was already on my heels. He reached out and let out a grunt of annoyance as he put me on more solid ground.
“It was a tree root,” I huffed, eyes narrowing. Everything I did seemed to annoy this asshole.
“Go, princess, we’re going to lose daylight at this rate,” he ordered in that deep rumble of his. How could someone that sounded so appealing be such a dick?
“Stop being a jerk,” Shaye growled as she reached back and snatched my hand, pulling me to walk between her and Lake.
At least I wasn’t the only one who noticed the way he acted. He didn’t bother to mutter a false apology, instead staying quiet as we rounded a few more trees.
“There’s got to be an access road somewhere but it’s long overgrown,” Lake said as he offered me a kind smile. “Don’t worry, little sister, we’ll kick his ass if we have to.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Easton growled. It only made Lake’s smile widen.
“We have Riv on our side,” Shaye said in a sing-song voice. I wouldn’t count us out yet.”
“Forgive him, he never learned manners,” Theo said before hissing something at his friend. They argued quietly back and forth behind us while Jordan watched on, but I ignored everything as we made it past the hill and I saw exactly what she was getting at.
“Look at it!” Shaye said with a flourish of her hands. “You were talking about your degree last girls’ night and then we were exploring the woods and stumbled across this. It all seemed a bit like fate.”
I was at a loss for words as I took in the building nature was trying its best to reclaim.
The siding was faded from years of abandonment and the overgrowth around it made it almost impossible to take in the full building.
“What was it?” I asked as I pulled out my phone and took a picture of it from back here before hurrying down the hill. There was a faded sign just under the sconce on the wall. I pulled away the thin vines choking it until I could read.