Page 44 of Knot Your Ex
She turned to walk away, and Theo followed. Easton tried to fall into step, but I stepped in front of him, my eyes narrowing.
“I suggest you get in this car with me and we head home before you irreparably break everything we have.”
Theo was steaming the entire way home, his hands gripping my steering wheel so tightly his knuckles were white.
I didn’t know what to say, so I simply ignored it, staring out the window and letting him take the lead. If he had questions, I might answer them, it seemed the alcohol loosened my lips far more than I meant for it to. Otherwise, I was content to let my silent tears fall.
The moment we arrived, he ushered me upstairs, put me inside my apartment, and locked the door behind me with a hasty goodnight.
The sting of rejection had fresh tears forming in my eyes. I just poured my heart out to them, and this is what I got.
My stomach turned when voices started in the next room. A few minutes later, their screams echoed through the floor. I caught my name, and I heard something smash. If they weren’t careful they were going to have the cops called on them soon.
The fight had raged on long enough I was ready to scream.
I hated the sound of it. It was a rift I’d brought between them, yet I knew it wasn’t truly my fault.
Another scream of anger and smash had my hurt and frustration turning to fear. My hands shook as I pulled out my phone. It wasn’t my mates that I was afraid of, but the sound of their yelling, mixing with the drinks in my body, and the vulnerability that I just displayed on that sidewalk, were all starting to make me shut down.
I didn’t want that. Not again.
“Hello,” Felix’s voice was worried when I let out a shaky breath, unable to give him a simple hello. “Hey, what’s going on? Where are you?”
I heard Warren in the background but couldn’t make out what he said.
“Can you come over? I don’t want to be alone.” My voice was barely more than a whisper.
“Yeah, of course,” he promised. “Alone, or should I bring Warren?”
I hesitated. The thought of having an alpha here had me curling in on myself again.
“I’m not ready.”
“I respect that,” Warren said, “but I am going to drive Felix over there. It’s late.”
That sweet sentiment alone was enough to break down a few more of my walls. I wanted to let Warren in. I already knew that we were compatible personality-wise. We’d already fucked before and were compatible in a lot of ways.
I just had to let go of my trauma and stress, and tonight was not that night.
I’d make it up to him later.
“Give me ten minutes, and I’ll be there,” Felix said before we ended the call.
They were the longest ten minutes of my life as I sat there listening to the angry growls back and forth next door. The walls were too thin to keep the noise out, though, I couldn’t make out their words.
I stood frozen in place in the middle of my kitchen, waiting for Felix to get here.
In hindsight, I could have called my brother, my sister, any one of their pack, but it was my own mate that I wanted this time.
If that wasn’t progress, I didn’t know what was.
The moment I heard his soft voice on the other side of the door, I was yanking it open and pulling him inside. Warren was on the other side, looking conflicted. I tensed when he stepped forward, but he simply placed a kiss on my forehead.