Page 70 of Needing You Close (Ex-Con Duet 2)
Gemma pretended they weren’t a big deal, but I wonder if she despises them and if she wants to trash them the same way she did the others he sent. While drinking my coffee, a customer enters, complimenting her on the roses, and Gemma gushes. It takes everything I have to keep my expression neutral.
“So the wedding is happening soon. Are you excited to get married?”
“Oh, yes ma’am,” Gemma says with a saccharine sweet smile. “Can’t wait to start my life with my husband. I love him so much.”
I glance at her, grab my cup, and walk into the garage, busying myself with tasks. Jerry gives me sad eyes but doesn’t say anything. He’s aware of how Gemma felt about Robert and was just as frustrated as everyone else to hear the wedding was happening. Though neither of us have brought it up, we feel the same. Robert’s threats are total shit, but Gemma has to do this to protect her dad’s property. It’s the only way.
After work, I go to the gym. Luke and I throw punches for an hour, and I don’t go easy on him. Over the past few months of training him, he’s grown much stronger and has started using his head more. I’m like a proud big brother when he swings and punches me right in the chin. Fighting on the mats helps me work out my aggression just as much as it helps him.
Once the session is over, Ruby asks me if I want to get a drink with her. Everleigh is still staying at her house, but she’s been walking Sassy each day after work and spending time with her. Though I’m sweaty, it’s not like I’m trying to impress anyone, so I agree. We walk down to the pub, and she gives me shit about my demeanor.
“You gotta quit moping around like this, Tyler. Move on. Date again. Find you a side piece.” She elbows me as we sit at the bar and our beers are placed in front of us. She doesn’t know all the details about Robert and Gemma’s arrangement. I didn’t feel as if it was my place to even mention it.
I give her a look. “I’m good. Honestly. The wedding will be over soon, and I’ll eventually get back to the life I had before it.”
“The one where you did nothing but work and had no social life?”
I shrug. “Maybe.”
She sips her beer and watches parts of the football game playing on the TV. “I just worry about you. I know how much Gemma meant to you, and I hate to see you like this. That’s all.”
“Hey, I’m gonna be just fine. I just need a month or so to process it all. Things will go back to normal, I promise.”
She lifts her glass and grins. “Good. I’m gonna hold you to it. Everleigh is worried shitless about you too.”
I scoff. “She needs to make up her mind. She was lonely when I was spending time with Gemma every night, and now, she’s annoyed that I’m home. The girl needs to date.”
Ruby smirks. “If only she’d give me a real chance.”
I narrow my eyes at her. “She denied you?”
“Well, not exactly. There was a night when I thought—”
Shaking my head, I tell the bartender to bring me a shot. “I don’t wanna hear about you making moves on my sister.”
“She’s a great kisser.” Ruby winks.
“Ruby,” I warn, not knowing if she’s joking or not. All she does is laugh her ass off.
We decide to order food, and after we finish eating, we say our goodbyes.
“If you’re bored, my schedule is free until the end of time,” she tells me, then adds, “unless your sister changes her mind.”
Considering Everleigh is staying with Ruby until tomorrow, I don’t know what to think about any of this. Instead, I huff and turn on my heels. I’m two seconds from pulling my phone from my pocket and asking Everleigh if Ruby was fucking with me, but then I decide I don’t want to open that can of worms. The thought has me chuckling. My phone vibrates, and I answer when I see it’s Eric calling.
“Where are you?” he says breathlessly.
“Outside of the pub. Everything okay?”
“I’m close. I’ll be right there,” he rushes out before hanging up.
I notice headlights in the distance. The vehicle looks like it’s going at a high rate of speed when it turns the corner, coming toward me. My adrenaline spikes, and I look at my surroundings, hoping to hell it’s Eric. When the car comes closer, I recognize his rental and breathe a little easier. I’m thankful it’s not Victoria because his voice sounded strained. He rolls down the window and demands I get in the car. By the expression on his face, there’s no time to argue.
“What the fuck is going on?” I ask I buckle, and he picks up his speed. He’s driving erratically, but I know he’s been trained for this.