Page 34 of Needing You Close (Ex-Con Duet 2)
Tyler walks in with Ruby, and they greet us with wide smiles.
“Hey,” he says in a sexy baritone.
“Ruby, join us!” Everleigh squeals, then stands and grabs her hand, dragging her to the couch. “Sorry, Tyler. No boys allowed.”
“Alright, I was salty before for not getting invited, but now you stole my guest, and I still can’t join?” The sarcasm in his voice has Katie and me bursting out in laughter.
Tyler and Ruby are sweaty and in workout clothes. Though Tyler looks nice dressed up, I enjoy seeing him in gym shorts and a sleeveless tee too.
“This is why I don’t date straight chicks. They always wanna watch romantic comedies,” Ruby says, nodding at the screen.
“Wait. That’s an option?” Katie snickers.
Ruby chuckles. “Sometimes. They like the idea of being with a woman because they assume we’re less complicated, but a couple of months later, I always get the ‘I’m leaving you for a man’ talk.”
“Maybe they’re just bi-sexual?” Everleigh suggests with a grin.
“But the D always wins,” Tyler adds with a wink. The four of us stare at him. “What?” He shrugs, then walks down the hallway.
“He’s not wrong.” Everleigh smirks.
Moments later, I hear the sounds of water running and imagine Tyler naked in the shower. The girls chat as they watch Julia Roberts wear the smallest miniskirt ever, but my mind wanders elsewhere.
Halfway through the movie, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I suck in my lower lip to hide the goofy smile on my face when I see Tyler’s name on the screen, but it’s helpless.
Tyler: You look really pretty tonight.
I blush at his words and wish I could talk to him in person, but I promised Everleigh and Katie I’d hang out with them tonight. Plus, I never wanted to be that girl who ditched her friends for a guy. Though I have a feeling they’d understand.
Gemma: You’re too sweet. Sorry we stole your friend. Do you want some company?
Tyler: I mean it. Nah, that’s okay. I don’t want to steal you from them, even if my sister is being obnoxious and loud.
Gemma: She was drinking before I even got here. Katie too.
Tyler: I overheard Everleigh and Katie talking the other day about Noah. I think Katie’s getting anxious about it.
Noah has over a year left in prison, but I think Tyler being back has made her think about him more. I imagine she’s wondering how she’ll face him when he comes home.
Gemma: Maybe after a few more drinks, I can get her to spill the tea.
I laugh at the GIF of a woman sipping tea and hit send.
Tyler: Haha. Isn’t that what girls’ nights are for? Just make sure to talk slow and loud so I can eavesdrop.
Gemma: Ha!
Not wanting to be rude, I put my phone away. I’m half-listening to them chat as my mind circles back to Tyler. Could we actually work as a couple and be happy again? My heart says yes, but my head is skeptical. The chemistry between us is as strong as ever, but I’m still scared he’ll leave again.
And if that happens, I won’t be able to survive it twice.
Chapter Nine
It’s been a week since Victoria showed her ugly face. Though Robert acted like he had no idea who she was, I don’t buy it. The guy’s a sleazy motherfucker, and even if he’s being truthful, Victoria’s vindictive. I called Eric to tell him, and he was just as shocked as I was when I saw her. He believes she’s up to something and might be planning to retaliate for partaking in the deposition. If she knows what’s good for her, she’ll take her shady ass back to Vegas where she belongs.
The garage has been busy, but I have no complaints. Now that Gemma doesn’t avoid me anymore, I look forward to arriving early and staying late. She and Everleigh hung out a few nights ago, but this time, they let me crash their girls’ night. I didn’t even care that they made me watch Hocus Pocus because I got to be near Gemma.
I don’t have to work at the gym today and just want to spend my Saturday with Gemma. After I drink a cup of coffee, I work up the courage to text her.
Tyler: Do you have plans tonight?
Gemma: Besides eating ice cream with Tom Hanks, nothing.
Tyler: You have a weird obsession with him.
Gemma: Not any weirder than your Jack Nicholson infatuation.
I laugh because she has a point.
Tyler: Well, speaking of which, I’d like to make you dinner tonight. Then maybe we could watch The Shining since you’ve never seen it. What do you think?
Gemma: Just the two of us?
My throat tightens because I can’t decipher if she’s asking with excitement or panic.
Tyler: Yes, just the two of us. Well, and Jack Nicholson ;)
Gemma: I guess I can squeeze it into my very busy schedule for you and Jack.