Page 31 of Needing You Close (Ex-Con Duet 2)
Dad reaches across the table and squeezes my hand. “Of course, I like the idea of you getting married and starting a family, but it has to be with the right man. That’s all that matters to me. Maybe I got excited by the way Robert could take care of you, but I only want what’s best for you.”
“I can take care of myself, Daddy,” I assure him with a small smile.
“You sure can. C’mere.”
Pushing my chair back, I walk over to my dad and wrap my arms around him. He hugs me tightly and kisses my forehead. Relief floods through me.
“The whole town is gonna know in a matter of hours,” I whine. “I hate how they all gossip.”
“Don’t worry about them. They’ll talk about it for a couple of days, then move on to the next big thing.”
God, I hope so. I just want to put this all behind me and start over.
“I have to ask,” he mutters when I take my seat across from him. “Does your change of heart have anything to do with Tyler?”
“Dad!” I gasp, shocked he’d ask that. “I’ve already told you that we’re only friends.”
“I’ve noticed the way he looks at you, Gem. I may be old, but I’m not blind.”
That causes me to snort, and I shake my head. “My feelings for Tyler are…complicated, but regardless, marrying Robert hasn’t felt right for a long while. Way before Tyler returned.”
“If it helps, I like Tyler a lot. He’s a hard worker, and it’s obvious he wants to get his life back on track. But I didn’t appreciate the way he left you all those years ago. I could tell you were heartbroken.”
The memory of my dad trying to help me through that sad time of my life brings back bad memories. “I was, but we were only kids then. He’s grown up since then. We both have. We’re friends, we work together, and talk. That’s it.”
I’m not sure if he buys my casual way of ending this conversation, but he doesn’t push it any further. We continue talking while we eat and finish our coffee. After we clean the kitchen and wash the dishes, Dad suggests we walk to the farmers’ market, and I agree.
We stop by the boutique that’s packed with teenagers and their moms. I notice her new inventory and fall decorations and feel so damn proud of what she’s accomplished.
“Hey!” Everleigh wraps me in her arms. “Sorry, we’re swamped.”
“I see that! No worries. It’s a good thing.”
“Hey, Jerry.” Everleigh gives him a side hug, and he kisses her cheek.
“Hey, sweetie. How’re things goin’?”
“Great!” Her eyes light up when she focuses her attention past me.
Over my shoulder, I catch a glimpse of Tyler walking in with Sassy. My heart races as butterflies swarm my stomach. After the protective way he got me out of the restaurant last night, my mind has been running wild. He’s wearing dark jeans and a blue T-shirt that shows off his arms. The facial hair on his jawline is longer, and though he typically keeps it trimmed, I kinda like it this way too.
“Hi,” Tyler says to all of us when he gets closer. I sheepishly grin, embarrassed that my dad is with me and watching our interaction. “Thought I’d take the dog for a walk and stop in to visit.”
“Yay! My girl.” Everleigh immediately drops to her knees and loves on Sassy. “Are you being good for your daddy?”
Tyler chokes and backs away, causing me to chuckle. “What? Don’t say that. It’s creepy.”
“No way! Whether you like it or not, you’re the only male figure in her life right now.”
I snort, shaking my head.
“This isn’t funny.”
Wrinkling my nose, I laugh harder. “It’s a little funny.”
He scowls, which is super adorable, considering Tyler’s all man and muscle.
“I’m your brother, so if anything, that’d make me her uncle,” he corrects Everleigh.
“Stop being dramatic. Don’t forget to give her treats when you get home,” she reminds him.
“Yeah, yeah. I know the drill.”
“Don’t fight it, son,” my dad says, patting Tyler’s shoulder. “Women bring home pets, and they become yours.”
“So I’m learning.” Tyler scoffs.
“Be thankful I never got a cat. Then again, it’s not too late,” Everleigh taunts.
“Please don’t. I need to save up more money before I can move out, so at least wait until then.”
Everleigh’s hands move to her hips, and she pouts. “Ha-ha. You’re staying with me forever.”
“I’m sure your future husband would approve of that, no problem.” Tyler rolls his eyes.
“Oh, he would. You’ll just be included in all the baggage I bring to the relationship. He already has to accept that my first loves are my job and Sassy. Next, is you—my brother who lives with me and cooks for me.”
“And there it is. The only reason you want me there.”
“I thought I was clear on that?” Everleigh teases.