Page 14 of Needing You Close (Ex-Con Duet 2)
Tyler pulls grit patties he roasted from the oven, covers them with foil, then sets them on the stovetop. The way he moves in the kitchen so comfortably is mesmerizing, and I’m thankful he pulls me away from my thoughts, even if it’s briefly.
“Want something to drink?” he asks, pulling two wine glasses from the cabinet before I answer. “Everleigh’s wine subscription box was delivered today, so there are a ton of choices. She won’t mind.” He winks.
After what happened on Monday and how she came to my rescue, I’m sure she wouldn’t. Hell, she’d tell me to open two bottles. I choose a chardonnay, not sure if it pairs with our dinner, but not caring either. Unlike Robert, Tyler doesn’t say shit about my choice. Instead, he happily unscrews the cork and fills our glasses.
When I’m around Tyler, I’m happier. There’s no acting a part or being judged, and I can just be who I am without those worries. Tyler makes me feel human again, and I appreciate the normalcy for once.
I take a sip of wine. “This is really good.”
“Just wait until you try dinner. Once the shrimp is done, we can start eating, so it shouldn’t be too much longer. Hopefully, Everleigh isn’t late either.” Tyler places a lid on the skillet as it simmers, then sits next to me. This conversation is happening, and there’s no going back now.
“So…” he says, lingering. “I understand what happened with Robert isn’t gonna be easy to repeat, so if you—”
I shake my head, not wanting him to continue. “I’m okay talking about it. I trust you, Tyler. I always have.”
He smiles as he lifts his wine glass, and I tap mine against his before taking a big gulp. I explain each detail from the beginning, finding the receipt in Robert’s desk, then having his client congratulate us on getting married before the end of the year.
“Wait. He moved the wedding date without telling you?” Tyler asks, stunned.
“Yep. I didn’t even know what to say, so I just sat through dinner in shock.”
“And he just thought you’d go along with it?” he asks as he stands, then goes to stir the roux but comes right back.
“In his perfect world, he really did.”
Next, I mention the wedding dress and invitations. With flared nostrils, his face distorts. My emotions are all over the place as I speak Tyler grabs my hand and squeezes. It’s a friendly gesture but it sets my body on fire.
“I was scared. No telling what would’ve happened if Everleigh hadn’t come and gotten me out of there. I’ve never seen him act that way before and handle me so aggressively. Thankfully, Everleigh called after getting a gibberish text message and knew something was wrong when I was finally able to answer her call. I was a mess when she brought me here.” All she kept saying was how much she wanted to kick his ass and how sorry she was that it happened. The only person who should’ve been apologizing that night was Robert. After my tears dried up, we watched Hallmark until I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore. Friends like her are worth their weight in gold, and I’ll never be able to repay her for rescuing me from that dangerous situation.
Tyler huffs, and his jaw tightens. “What he did to you isn’t okay, Gemma.”
His eyes pierce through me, and the only thing that pulls us away is Everleigh bursting through the door. She bolts toward me, wrapping me in a big hug. “I’m so glad you’re here. Oh my God.” She moves her nose around like a drug-sniffing dog. “What is that delicious smell?”
“Our dinner,” Tyler responds.
Everleigh looks at me and releases an offended gasp. “He never cooks like this for me.”
I beam and shrug. “I feel special.”
Tyler plates our food and sets them in front of us. It’s picture perfect with the garnish on top. The aromas make my mouth water, and I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I take a bite. The grits nearly melt in my mouth, and the shrimp and sauce are cooked perfectly.
“Whoever you end up with, they’re in for a treat,” Everleigh says around a mouthful.
“I’m sure Ruby is happy she found a man who can cook,” I say, trying to keep my voice level so they can’t hear the jealousy in my tone.
Everleigh snorts, and her eyes go wide. “Wait, what? You think Tyler’s dating Ruby?” Everleigh nearly doubles over with laughter. Tyler joins in, but he at least has the decency to try to hide it as he shoves food in his mouth.
Embarrassment washes over me as I watch their reactions. “Well, yeah? They’re always together.” Not to mention the scene I almost walked into the day I came over to talk to him, and they were both only wearing towels. I’m lost as I look between them. “What’s so funny?”