Page 60 of Keeping You Away (Ex-Con Duet 1)
It’s obvious Gemma isn’t having “cold feet.” The woman has always gone after what she wants. Considering everything that’s happened over the past few weeks with her and Robert, it’s obvious there’s more to this. She has to ultimately make the final decision, but I don’t want it to be because of me. I want her to call off the wedding because she realizes she won’t be happy with him. I’m well-aware that Robert has a lot of money, but I also know material possessions don’t buy love. Nothing can.
“Gemma,” I say as she leans her head against the couch. We’re so close. Too close. I can smell her shampoo every time she brushes loose strands of hair out of her face. “He didn’t lay his hands on you, did he?”
I shouldn’t be asking. I shouldn’t get involved, but I care about her—sometimes too fucking much. She tucks her lips into her mouth and looks up at me with big green eyes. “He was trying to make me stay, Tyler. He wasn’t trying to hurt me.”
“You’re positive about that?” I ask. I’ve heard women say that before, but I’m trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.
“Yes. I wouldn’t put up with it otherwise. He’s not like that,” she reassures.
“Alright, good,” I say. “If you need boxing lessons and want to learn how to take someone down in ten seconds flat, just say the word.”
She laughs. “Did you forget who my brother is?”
The thought of Noah brings the mood to a somber place.
“Nah. But I also know you’ve gotten rusty at kicking dudes in the balls. Though…” I grin. “When you were younger, you were a goddamn pro.”
Her head falls back with laughter. “I was a little shit, wasn’t I?”
“Everyone knew not to mess with you, Katie, or Everleigh because y’all were a bunch of little scrappers. Or because I threatened to kick anyone’s ass who messed with my little sister and her friends.” I chuckle thinking about it.
“I didn’t take anyone’s crap back then, and trust me when I say I’m not going to take it now. I’m okay, Tyler. But thank you. If I’m ever not okay, I’ll mention it.”
“Is that a promise?” I push.
“Yes.” She turns back to the movie and squeezes my arm. “Oh, this is my favorite part.”
Tom Hanks walks past the coffee shop and sees Meg Ryan inside, then goes in and pretends not to be the man on the other end of their messenger conversation.
“This would never happen nowadays,” I say, very aware of how close she is to me now.
“It could, especially with all the dating apps and stuff. What about forums? Reddit is popular. I think it’s possible. Now shush.” She smirks, then winks at me.
Is she flirting? Gemma shifts, and her knee touches mine. The heat from her skin nearly burns a hole through my skin, but I don’t move. I wonder if she feels the strong tug of electricity that’s pulling us together, or if I’m just imagining it. Perhaps it’s never left us. Not even time could change what we have, regardless if we’re too fucking stubborn to admit it. We should be able to hang out together as friends, despite our past, or the fact she’s moved on. However, my biggest concern is that eventually, it’ll all come to a head. Both of us will be powerless to deny our attraction, but it’ll be too late.
I tell myself I’m imagining everything, knowing I can’t act on it, but when I see her pulse thumping in her neck, there’s no way it’s not real. Needing to distance myself for a moment, I stand and grab a bottle of water.
“Want one?” I hold it up, and she nods.
I hand it to her, making sure to create more space between us when I sit, though I think she notices.
We continue watching the movie in silence. Gemma’s nearly in tears when Tom Hanks shows up at the end with his dog, Brinkley. She lets out an aww when they kiss, and it makes me smile.
Once the credits roll, she yawns, which quickly makes me, too.
“Damn, you gotta stop that,” I say with a chuckle, yawning again.
“Sorry, I can’t help it,” she says around another one, and we both laugh. It’s getting late, and we both have to be up early for work in the morning.
“Thanks for hanging out with me,” she says, adjusting the pillow on the couch and grabbing the quilt Everleigh threw over the back.
“Anytime.” I smile and wonder how many nights Robert has denied spending time with her. Probably happens more often than not. What a dumbass. He clearly doesn’t know what he’s missing, or perhaps he just doesn’t care.
“You should take my bed,” I suggest. “It’s nice and comfy, and the only thing you have to deal with is Sassy waking you up around three a.m. to go outside.”