Page 17 of Keeping You Away (Ex-Con Duet 1)
“So this is your beautiful fiancée,” a man says, then continues, “I’m Stanley.”
Robert wraps his arm around me, pulls me close, then properly introduces everyone. Afterward, we order, and I consider getting a glass of wine to relieve the tension. Though my dad wouldn’t mind, I try not to go to work buzzed.
As I sip my water, I play out everything that’ll happen during this predictable lunch. They’re always exactly the same as if we’re all reading from a script. Robert laughs when he’s supposed to, and I join him like I’m supposed to. I can tell they’ve been talking about this for a while when Robert reminds him other buyers are interested. By the time we finish eating, Stanley finally makes a decision and wants to close on a few acres of land on the outskirts of town. Robert is thrilled about sealing the deal and hands his credit card to the waitress to pay for everyone. They plan to meet at Robert’s office in an hour to sign the contract and make it official.
When we get up and say our goodbyes, Robert lingers behind with me as the men leave. He looks at me with bright blue eyes and grins.
“See, sweetie, you’re my lucky charm.”
I laugh because this isn’t the first time he’s said that, and I wonder if he really believes it. Perhaps it’s why he invites me to these meetings even though I’d rather just spend time alone with him.
Robert and I walk outside hand in hand as he leads me to my car. Before I open the door, he pulls me into his arms and places a chaste kiss on my lips.
“Thank you, beautiful,” he murmurs, sliding his arm around my waist.
“For what?”
“For coming to lunch. Agreeing to marry me. Loving me.” He nuzzles his lips into my neck, and I can smell the mixture of his soap and cologne. “I miss you so damn much.”
“You saw me last night.” I chuckle, but I’ve missed him too.
“Yes, but I hate waking up without you next to me. I hate that my girl won’t move in so we can start our life. You should think about it, Gemma. I keep asking because I’m not a patient man. I want you now.” He flashes a boyish grin that almost always gets him his way.
He slides his lips across mine, and I sink into him. When we break apart, I let out a dreamy sigh.
“I just want to wake up together every day to be special after we’re married,” I remind him.
“It’s so old-fashioned to wait until marriage, though. There’s plenty of room for you in my house. And plenty of room for you in my bed.”
He mentions this so much that there’s no way I’ll be able to keep squirming out of it. So I tell him the truth. “I’m not ready to leave my house yet.”
The mood turns serious, but Robert brushes it off like he always does. In another week, he’ll bring it up again, hoping I’ve changed my mind and won’t say no, but I will. Then we’ll go our separate ways, and he’ll be full of disappointment while I harbor all the guilt.
“I’m a greedy man when it comes to you, Gemma. I want to spend all my time with you, and it wounds me that I can’t. But I don’t want to force you into something you don’t want right now.” He places his soft lips on my knuckles, and that’s when the shame swells inside me.
“There’s no need to rush when we have forever,” I say sweetly, and he nods. Sometimes, I feel like he’s trying too hard, and he shouldn’t. Is it insecurity, maybe? Before I can continue to reassure him, his cell rings, and he tells me he has to take the call. Another client. More property sold. And just like that, he gives me a quick peck and rushes to his car.
I drive back to the garage with too many thoughts streaming through my mind, which make me anxious. After I walk back into the shop and tell my dad I’ve returned, I grab my phone and text Everleigh since I forgot to last night.
Gemma: Please tell me you didn’t know your brother would interview for a job at the garage.
The text bubbles pop up then disappear before she finally responds.
Everleigh: I might’ve known, but I wasn’t sure your dad would hire him. That was all Jerry!
I send her an eye roll emoji because she’s so fucking sneaky and then tuck my phone in my pocket when Dad comes in and says my name. He hates it when people are on their phones during work hours, and I’ve gotten my fair share of scowls for bringing it out.
“Wanna join me out here and chat?” he asks, but his demanding tone leaves no room for a discussion.