Page 16 of What Happens at the Lake
I took a step back and admired my hard work with a glass of cold lemonade. I’d hungtwopieces of sheetrock in the living room after getting back from lunch with Opal today. It wasn’t much, but it gave me a sense of accomplishment.
A knock interrupted my pat on the back. The front door was open, leaving only the rickety old metal screen separating me from Mr. Grumpy.
“Oh no. Please tell me Amazon didn’t deliver the boxes I’ve been waiting for all day to your place. I swear I checked the address three times.”
Fox held something up.An umbrella?“You forgot this at Rita’s. Opal dropped it by my place and asked me to give it to you.”
I walked to the door and opened it, though I could’ve taken the umbrella through the giant hole in the screen. “Oh, thank you.”
He held it out. “Not sure why she couldn’t bring it to you when she was right next door.”
I suspected I knew the reason. Opal had big plans for me and Fox.
He didn’t let go when I reached for the umbrella. “She’s the town gossip. You might want to watch what you say to her if you don’t want fifty people knowing your business by morning.”
“I don’t know why you would say such a thing,” I said, eyes wide. “By the way, it’s really sweet that you donate your time coaching a special-needs hockey team.”
Fox rolled his eyes, but a hint of a smile played at the corner of his mouth.
I pointed to his face. “What was that?”
He swiped at his cheek. “What?”
“I think that wasalmostan expression of happiness, though I can’t be sure. Maybe you’re actually in pain.”
A full-fledged smile spread across Fox’s handsome face. The sight was pretty damn spectacular.
“Now was that so hard?” I asked. “You must realize you’re a large man. The scowl you wear all the time makes you very intimidating. When you smile, it softens your entire look.”
“Maybe I don’t want to look soft.”
I rolled my eyes. “Whatever, Mr. Grumpy. Thanks for returning my umbrella. Oh, and I saw my garbage cans were out at the curb this morning, but I hadn’t put them there. Did you?”
He shrugged. “Needed to be done.”
“Well, thank you again.”
Fox turned and took a few steps. As per usual, without saying goodbye or anything. But before he stepped off the porch, he turned back. “Why are you here?”
“You mean in Laurel Lake? I’m fixing up the house.”
“The town gossip told me you have a good job. Why not hire someone to fix up the place? You’d be able to make it back renting the house out.”
“I needed a project to keep myself busy.”
“Why not keep yourself busy at work?”
“I…I took a leave of absence.”
Fox squinted. “Why?”
I sighed. “If you must know, I had a bit of a mental breakdown.”
His eyes roamed my face, like he was trying to gauge my sincerity. After a moment, he softened. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. It wasn’t your fault.”
Fox looked back into the house. “You’ve made some progress in there.”