Page 123 of What Happens at the Lake
Delta Airlines 6:00 AM departure – JFK airport on 9/12
My heart raced out of control. She was going away with that fucking asshole? In two days.Like hell I’ll be mailing this shit.
But after a few minutes of boiling, my blood pressure reduced to a simmer. I shoved my hands through my hair. What right did I have to keep her from doing anything? I’d fucking kicked her to the curb so she could be happy. But was this douchebag Noah really what would make her happy? The asshole had cheated on her. It felt wrong, against every instinct I had to send the envelope. Yet I gritted my teeth and went back downstairs, locking the door behind me.
The entire drive to the post office, I continued to debate it.
She can be with any man she wants. I’m sending it.
Fuck that asshole. He doesn’t deserve her. Maybe even more than I don’t deserve her. I’m not sending shit.
I hurt her. If this is what it takes for her to be happy… I’m sending it.
That douchebag will only hurt her worse. Nope. Not sending it.
Then it dawned on me. Maybe she only wanted her passport and had no intention of going on that trip.
Yet she needs them overnighted and the flight is in two days.
I flip-flopped back and forth for the entire drive before pulling up to the post office ten minutes before closing. I wasted another five debating whether to go in. Ultimately, I concluded that Josie was too smart to take that asshole Noah back, and that she’d asked to have the passport overnighted because it was safer than sending it regular mail.
Yeah, that was it. At least that’s what I convinced myself as I stepped up to the counter. Frannie, the government’s grand gossip, scowled upon seeing me. Guess everyone knew now.
“What can I do for you, Fox?”
“You got one of those overnight envelopes?”
She reached down and grabbed one, slipping it across the counter. “We close in four minutes. Step over there while you fill it out so I can take the next person.”
I looked behind me, thinking someone had come in after me and I hadn’t heard them. Nope. Completely empty. Whatever. I moved to the little counter in the corner and picked up a chained pen. But when I put the point on the envelope to write, I realized I didn’t know Josie’s damn address.
Great. Just great.
I scrolled through my contacts until I got to Opal’s name and hit call. Her greeting was as warm as Frannie’s.
“What do you want?”
I shook my head. “Need Josie’s address in New York.”
“What for?”
“I brought what Josie wants shipped to her to the post office. Realized I didn’t have her address.”
“Why didn’t Porter bring it?”
I sighed. “Can I explain that to you another time? The post office closes in two minutes, and Frannie isnotgoing to stay here three for me.”
“Fine. Give me a second. It’s in my purse, and I’m holding Ernestine at the vet’s office.”
She disappeared and came back on the line a minute later.
“It’s Two-twenty East Eighteenth Street. New York, New York, One-zero-zero-zero-three.”
I went to swipe off my phone and then thought better of it and lifted my cell back to my ear. “Opal?”