Page 13 of His to Take (The Rowdy Johnson Brothers)
“Nope, we’re good. I’m going to take Birdie to her mom’s, then get back to work myself.” I’ve been doing what has to get done, but going the extra mile like I usually do? Absolutely fucking not.
“Yes, thank you. Lane, move your butt. My best friend and my dog will be at Mom’s before I am.” When Birdie called me to give me four options, counting each of them, I knew Juniper was coming back to the house with me. I didn’t like a single option except one. Birdie walking to her mom’s was a hard no. Taking the side-by-side was a hard fucking no. Calling her mom for a ride wasn’t bad, but still a no. That left me taking Birdie and her driving back home. It didn’t make me clench my teeth nearly as bad as the others. Still, I wanted to make sure she wasn’t doing too much too soon, which is why I brought Juniper.
“Come on, we’ll drop Juni off on our way to your mom’s.”
“I can walk. In fact, I think I may need to. It was great meeting you, Birdie. I’m sure I’ll see you around.”
Juniper walks toward the front withoutsaying anything else. I’d like to say I’ll figure out what Lawson did to irritate her, but truth be told, I’ve got more important matters on my hands. Like kissing my woman and reminding her I’ll be here when she comes home.
“Tully! Rocky!”I run out of my mom’s house, well, as much as I can without hurting myself, so it’s more like a fast walk. Mom is hot on my heels, and I bet this is how she felt each time I came home.
“Birdie, don’t you trip. Lane will kick my butt,” she says behind me. Is everyone afraid of my man except me? I mean, he’s got a big bark, but the only bite I get is when he’s in bed with me. My breasts currently feel his marks with each movement of my body, the lace bra doing absolutely nothing to help matters either.
“Come to Mommy, Rocky.” I squat down as Tully opens the door. Is my dog my pride and joy? Absolutely. Did my best friend pack everything we’d both need into her massive SUV and drive to my hometown, restarting her whole life because of me? Yes. Do I feel guilty? Well, kindof. I also know Tallulah doesn’t do a damn thing she doesn’t want to. Oh, how I hated leaving the two of them behind, but another chance encounter with my attacker was the biggest worry of all. Now, our two-bedroom apartment is being packed by movers, and she’s here to stay. Everyone needs a Tully in their life. I only hope I can one day return the favor of being a great friend to her as well.
“Glad to see he gets the attention like normal,” Tully says, stepping out of her massive SUV. Rocky all but attacks me, not in a mean way, in an excited,he can’t sit stillkind of way. I drop to my butt with a wince. The pain is nothing when his tongue comes out to lick me, his version of giving kisses. He’s jumping around, prancing on two feet, his little booty wiggling back and forth in excitement.
“Well, once I’m licked to death, I’ll be sure to hug you, too.” I look up from my place on the ground. My best friend is standing with my mom. Mom has her arm wrapped around Tully, and while my friend has the look of yuck written all over her face, Mom looks like she’s trying to hide her laughter.
“No, I’m good. I had a shower already. Pretty sure I don’t need another until after we off-load this stuff.” I pick myself up off the ground, then do the same for Rocky until he’s under my arm on my good side, and walk toward Tallulah.
“You think carrying him around is a good idea?” Mom asks.
“Probably not. I’ve missed him, though.” I shrug my shoulders, and his cute little face looks up at me. Rocky has one blue eye and one brown eye, and it’s hard to resist anything he asks when he looks as cute as he does.
“I’m going to laugh when Rocky pees all over you,” Tully says.
“Fine, I’ll put him down. Do you want to visit or drive over to your place and get you somewhat unpacked until the movers bring the rest?” Tully’s done a lot, fixing my problems. Picking up the pieces of my mistakes, the consequences so dire she had to make one decision after the next. I could barely move after the trip to the hospital visit, as well as talking to the police officers who were assigned to my case.
My mind couldn’t keep up, and my body was ready to give out. And when it was time for me to head home, I could barely move, much less pack in my tiny car what she was able to fit in hers. Where I was living in Colorado, I could walk to most places. College, the grocery store, and work. Tully has a big SUV. She was more confident driving her vehicle around the crowded town than I would ever be. So she took it upon herself to load what I needed for a few days, then proceeded to pack what she could in her vehicle and drive here.
“I love you, and I want to visit with you. I alsowant to unpack, take a hot-as-hell shower, collapse in bed, and sleep for the next twenty-four hours.” Ugh, the guilt that rolls through my stomach. I can see how tired she is. Her clothes are a rumpled mess, her hair is in a ponytail that is falling down, and she looks like she’s been mainlining coffee for two days straight.
“Alright, let me grab my phone and keys. Mom, you wanna drive her truck to the greenhouse?”
“Sure, talk about me like I’m not here,” Tallulah says, but she’s already walking toward the passenger side of the car.
“Get inside and call Lane and one of his brothers. Neither of you girls should be off-loading all of this. Plus, your stuff will need to be moved to Lane’s,” Mom tells me before bending down and picking up Rocky. He was jumping up on his short little legs to get her attention. My boy refuses to be left out at any given time.
“I feel like we should call Ms. Catherine, too, but I don’t want to overwhelm Tully on her first day here. She’s already done so much.” Mom takes a step closer, looks over her shoulder, and I do the same. Tallulah’s door is open, allowing the sun to give me a clear view of just how much she’s packed. There are boxes and bags stacked, and it’s not like her vehicle is compact. I’m talking three rows, the last being up, and there’s still a massive-ass trunk.
“Nope, I’ll call her later today, and if shecan’t find a job, I know a rancher or two who could use her area of expertise.”
“Well, that’s probably for the best since her head is tipped back and her mouth is open in the passengers seat. Tully is well and truly out like a light. As for her taking freebies, good luck. I’ve mentioned her opening up a veterinary office, and that was the one thing that sparked her interest. The only problem with it would be the initial cost and the time it’ll take to build up her patient list.” Honestly, Tully could do it. She’s the hardest worker and is so passionate about her work.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Now here, take Rocky, and don’t be too long. The girl needs to get horizontal, much like my daughter did when she came home.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I tease, putting Rocky beneath my arm again. This time, he’s more content and places his head on my chest before letting out a tired yawn.
“Sure you don’t,” she retorts.
“I probably get it from someone else I know.” Stubbornness runs in our blood a mile long, and there’s no sign of it stopping. Mom heads toward Tully, and I start my short walk toward the house. Once I’m there, I head to the kitchen counter, where I had placed my keys as well as my phone. Lane only left a couple of hours ago, and I feel horrible for asking him to stop his day yet again, except I know what will happen if I don’t.
I pick up my phone and send him a text. He’s more apt to feel it vibrate in his pocket than to hear the ringer.